Jining: Focus on key tasks to speed up to help companies climb

Author:Jining News Network Time:2022.08.05

Jining News Network (Reporter Qin Yan) On August 3, the construction headquarters of the manufacturing strong city of Jining held a special meeting to convey and implement the spirit of the city's key projects on -site observation and summary and the second half of the mobilization conference in the second half of the year, and deploy the next step.

The meeting pointed out that special industries should carry out in -depth work to help enterprises climb work, accelerate the cultivation of the "231" industrial cluster, promote the development of advantageous industries such as the carbon -based material industry, rare earth industry, and robotic industry, and form industrial clusters as soon as possible. We must focus on focusing on new projects, specialized new projects, corporate listing, industrial research, operation analysis and other key tasks to ensure high -quality completion of various tasks to help enterprises climb.

Zhang Shengming, a member of the party group of Jining Municipal Government, a first -level inspector in Jining City, and secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Manufacturing Health City Construction Headquarters attended the meeting.

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