Mianyang's "multi -party efforts" fully promote the improvement of the market environment of the farmer's trade trade

Author:Sichuan Food Safety Time:2022.08.05

"Entering the summer temperature is high, food safety is very important ..." At the entrance of Yuantong Farmers' Market in the New District of Science and Technology City, it is playing audio broadcast programs and scenario radio dramas jointly recorded by the Mianyang Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and Mianyang Radio and Television Station. The bustling crowd is traveling in a neat and standardized market to choose ingredients for the next lunch. Management order, environmental hygiene, public safety, integrity services, food safety ... Each side of the market reflects the "hard work" under the improvement of the city's market environment this year.

"One picture" plan, strengthen planning guidance

In the campaign of the market governance of the farmer's farmer trade in Mianyang, the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, as a leading unit, unified the ideas and actions to the decision -making deployment of the municipal party committee and municipal government, and closely followed the work goals. The territorial party committee and government have special governance of the 39 farmers' markets in the main urban area. Through the "task system" and "Responsibility System", we will improve the "task list" of the creation work and promote the work solidly. The reporter learned that the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau has now held a party group meeting and a special topic of 10 times. , And formulated the "Rectification Plan for the Market Environment Environment of the Farmers Trade" in the field of market supervision, and decomposed various tasks to specific departments and specific people. At the same time, the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau divided more than 300 party members into 14 volunteer teams to the major farmers' markets, carried out volunteer service activities, and strived to build a grid responsibility system of "horizontal to edge, vertical to the end", and carried out step by step on time on time. Arrange in detail.

"A order" promotes, creating a comfortable environment

Ms. Chen, who lives in Jiahe Jiayuan, will come to Xicheng Farmers Market every two or three days to shop. "We have lived here for more than two decades. When we first came, I felt that the entire market was very messy. Now we feel more comfortable every time we come in, and make good things." Ms. Chen said.

The reporter learned in the Market Supervision Bureau of Fucheng District that the bureau took the opportunity to improve the market environment of the farmer's market environment. Based on the normalized management of the market environment, facilities, equipment, and business order Actions created a comfortable, assured, peaceful market operation, and shopping environment. The reporter saw in the Xicheng Farmers Market that motor vehicles and non -motorized vehicles were parked in an orderly manner. Various air cables were neat and standardized. There were no disorderly stickers, coating, and disappointed phenomena. The phenomenon is neat and unattractive.

In addition, the High -tech Branch focuses on the spirit of the eight major tackling operations and the spirit of "new winds into the Wanjia", strictly implemented the comprehensive remediation content of the farmer's market environment, standardized the use of advertising logos, strengthened the control of food safety, implemented static and dynamic indicators, clearly clarified After the work responsibilities of various departments, each party member of the party branch of the organs will go to each market to serve as volunteers, and fully cooperate with volunteer services such as consulting services and civilized persuasion.

"A net" ditch, eliminate difficult pain points

"A 10 -year -old farmers' market has been built for three consecutive years. Through the transformation and upgrading of three consecutive years, the environment is really getting better and better," said the person in charge of Chengnan Marketing in the Kaixiang District. It is understood that the marketing organizers have launched the "Four -in -One" market standardized management principles based on the consumer needs of the masses through various consumption needs. Consumers can clearly see the relevant licenses and specific stall numbers of the merchant.

In the high -tech zone Shiqiaopu Farmers' Market, the company's initiative took the initiative to take out 200,000 funds to standardize the market, and conduct comprehensive transformation and upgrading of market environmental hygiene, garbage clearance and bathroom.

"Two nucleic acids are free here every Monday and Thursday, which neither affects business, but also protects everyone's safety. The service is really thoughtful." Said Li, a cooked food merchant who had just finished nucleic acid testing. At the entrance of Fule Comprehensive Market in Youxian District, reporters saw that several medical workers were sampling at nucleic acids, and community staff and volunteers maintained order at the scene. With the tacit cooperation of everyone, the sampling of nucleic acid sampling was efficient and orderly. This method of "nuclear nucleic acid detection" not only better protects everyone's safety, but also provides convenience for practitioners, saves time costs, and has been well received by market organizers and practitioners.

It is reported that, in the past few days, Mianyang City has accumulated more than 700 law enforcement officers, arranged more than 1,300 volunteers, and found that 137 problems clues to market supervision departments in various places, and 106 have been rectified. This time, Mianyang Market Supervision Bureau intervened from the propaganda atmosphere, living poultry sales management, environmental hygiene, garbage classification, temporary sale behavior specifications, the order of parking in peripheral vehicles, smoking ban management, fire safety and other aspects of the agricultural market. Multi -angle has carried out governance and improvement work to maximize the "blind zone" that may occur in the inspection work, create a good atmosphere of "entered the eyes into the mind", and create a clean, orderly, and civilized farmers' market environment. (Zhang Gen reporter Cheng Boquan)

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