"Following the application" can check the long triangle nucleic acid report. Do Shanghai people acknowledge it outside the country?The latest survey found ...

Author:Look at the news Time:2022.08.05

On July 29, the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism issued a notice, requiring further promotion of the test results of the new crown virus nucleic acid test, and effectively facilitated the people to travel.

In this regard, Shanghai is actively promoting the implementation. Many citizens have noticed that recently in Shanghai's "application" has launched the "Yangtze River Delta nucleic acid query" function. At the same time, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces are also gradually achieving mutual inspection with Shanghai's nucleic acid test results to further promote mutual recognition. It is understood that in the next step, Shanghai will also work hard to expand the scope of mutual checks of nucleic acids, so that the nucleic acid information verification of personnel from Shanghai and Shanghai will be more convenient.

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Can the nucleic acids made in Shanghai be found and can be admitted?

Many Shanghai citizens are very concerned about this

Acknowledge the nucleic acid report in the Yangtze River Delta area from the technical level

Now, in the "Long Triangle Nucleic acid Inquiry" function of "Applying", users can inquire about nucleic acid detection data records in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui Province in the past 14 days. Not only that, when the user opens the associated function, it can also be displayed in the "Shouzhan Code" exhibition code page and "place code" and "digital sentinel" to scan the code.

Users can add the "'Smooth Code to the application of the" Yangtze River Delta None Sensing Roaming "service page and the" Medical and Health "service page of the" Long Triangle Nucleic acid inquiry "on the" Long Triangle Nuclear Acids "on the mobile terminal. 'Nucleic acid information association "function.

This means that the nucleic acid test results in the three provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui can also be included in the statistics of the last nucleic acid detection results below the "Shouchang Code" page. "In the" application ", the nucleic acid test results of these three provinces have the same effect as the nucleic acid test results in Shanghai. In the case of need to scan the" digital sentinel "of the place code, the nucleic acid detection is not needed As a result, experts have been checked. "Some experts pointed out that this change shows that it is not only at the institutional level, but also at the technical level. Shanghai has" followed up ". In the platform, it belongs to a relatively leading.

"In addition to admitting the effectiveness of its validity when entering the city, the nucleic acid report also contains recognition of the time -effectiveness." Zheng Lei, a professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University, and Director of the Director of Digital and Mobile Governance Laboratory of Fudan University said At present, although many places have acknowledged the results of foreign people's different places, they still require them to perform "3 days and 2 inspections" to flow normally. "This is actually a kind of distrust. Entering the statistical time is the real recognition. "

According to Shanghai Big Data Center, the nucleic acid detection results information currently found in the "Long Triangle Nuclear Inquiry" is real -time. However, due to the data sharing mechanism, the latest nucleic acid test results displayed under the "Shouqi Code" page after the association are not yet realized in real -time display. Generally, it is necessary to display the next day. In the future, the frequency of data exchange in various places will be further increased according to the needs of citizens.

At the same time, Shanghai will also explore and cooperate with other provinces and cities to strive to achieve interoperability with the results of nucleic acids between more provinces and cities. In addition, the staff of Shanghai 12345 confirmed that if you enter Shanghai from the place of no epidemic, enter and exit various public places, and the nucleic acid negative certificate in other places is also valid.

More than two -thirds of the provinces have opened a report in query of different places nucleic acid reports

At present, in the three provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui and the health code or government service APP in various cities, the results of the inquiries of the Yangtze River Delta nucleic acid in the Yangtze River Delta have been successively launched. Inquiry "Function, users can also inquire about the results of nucleic acid detection results within nearly 14 days of Shanghai, Soviet, Zhejiang, Anhui, and Anhui.

The "Ankang Code" long triangle nucleic acid query section can inquire about Shanghai's nucleic acid test report.

In addition, can Shanghai's nucleic acid test results be found in other provinces? Which provinces can inquire about the nucleic acid results of other provinces and cities in other provinces? The reporter entered the provincial government service platforms or health code platforms of 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities through Alipay or WeChat. Channel.

After inquiries, it was found that Beijing, Hebei, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Fujian, Hubei, Hainan, Gansu, Xinjiang and other places have opened a column of the national nucleic acid test results. The national nucleic acid query section of the State Council client, although the health code platforms of Jiangxi, Guizhou, Ningxia, Yunnan, and Tibet have not opened the national nucleic acid query column, the query page also shows that the source of the data is the National Health and Health Commission.

The nucleic acid query pages of some provinces and cities have provided the national nucleic acid query functions and data.

"I have been traveling on a business trip in other places recently, and many places can be found in the country's nucleic acid reports." Citizen Liu Nan recently went to Hubei, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places. It is very convenient to find, "Whether it is in the local health code or in the State Council client, basically it will be displayed on the second day of the night, and it can be found across the province. ","

However, after the reporter registered on the health code platform of the above provinces, almost no record of his recent nucleic acid testing in Shanghai was found in Shanghai. He found himself in the "Yangtze River Delta nucleic acid query" column in Jiangsu and Anhui Province that he had been found in the column of the "Yangtze River Delta nucleic acid query". Nucleic acid test results. At the same time, the reporter did not check his own nucleic acid testing records on the health code of the State Council's client and national platform. Why can some places be found in the client and other platforms of the State Council and other platforms. If you do it in Shanghai? "Shanghai's temporarily not found because the data of the large sieve is not uploaded now, which has been prompted in the State Council client." A relevant staff revealed that this situation was because the information was not uploaded to the country Platform, so the provincial platforms cannot be called.

The reporter noticed that the nucleic acid test results in the State Council client have such prompts: the service is provided by the National Health and Health Commission, and the data scope does not include the results of large -scale nucleic acid screening in various places. Please check according to the local notice.

In addition, the "Yuekang Code" in Guangdong Province has opened the query function of the test results of the Hunan Province nucleic acid testing, and the "Overseas Nucleic acid" column is provided in the Chongqing Health Code Platform. In the health code of Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Henan, Hunan, Hunan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Shaanxi and other places, only the nucleic acid detection results of the province can be queried. Qinghai's health code platform does not show the data sources and query scope of its nucleic acid detection results. In the query function of the health code nucleic acid in Shandong Province, it shows that the sampling information of nucleic acid testing in Jinan City has been connected to Jinan City. Other channels in Jinan City (inspection, inspection, etc.) and other places are being accessible.

Beyond technical support

The policy should be implemented in place

In addition, citizens are more concerned about whether their nucleic acid test results can be recognized in the field?

Citizen Huang Xiao recently went to Suzhou and Kunming. He introduced that he had not encountered any inconvenience in Suzhou in Suzhou. When he was out of the high -speed rail station and stayed in the hotel, the inspectors recognized Shanghai's nucleic acid test report. After going to Yunnan, although nucleic acid testing was also performed in the local area, he found that at the Changshui Airport of Kunming and the ancient city of Dali, and the ancient city of Lijiang, he found that the nucleic acid testing report of foreign provinces and cities during the validity period, and the inspection staff also recognized.

However, not all the travels of all Shanghai citizens are unimpeded. Recently, a number of citizens reported that when they went to Hangzhou, they had been required to re -test nucleic acid testing by local epidemic prevention staff when they were holding the Shanghai nucleic acid test report. "At the beginning, my health code became a yellow code, and it was not until my nucleic acid testing in Hangzhou did not become a green code." Mr. He, a citizen, said, "Why can you already check each other? Don't recognize it? One staff member told me because there were negative reports before I came to Hangzhou. "

"Some places have not yet recognized each other, maybe because of the pressure of prevention and control of the epidemic, and worry about the risk. At the same time, it also shows that they do not trust the test results of nucleic acid in foreign countries." Query is a useful measure, but the more important thing is to truly implement it from the policy. He pointed out that the health code has not recognized each other in the past two years, but the health code is generated by different data based on different data. "Some may contain dozens of data, some have only referred to a few items, so the standard is not the standard. First, there is no such problem in the nucleic acid report. Everyone's testing method and technology are completely standardized. Why not recognize each other? "

Many people suggest that can you simply use a national unified platform to check the acid report, such as the State Council client? In this regard, Zheng Lei believes that using a national unified platform to query nucleic acid test reports, not only is operating far more than the province's "point -to -point" exchange data, but it is also conducive to promoting mutual recognition of nucleic acid reports nationwide.

"If it is exchanged between provinces, the cost of technical docking is high, and the risk of security is relatively large, and we still have to register the local health code for each place, which is tedious and the risk of information leakage." The provinces uniformly upload the detection data to the national platform display. Not only is the result more authoritative and credible, the masses are more assured and convenient to use, and reduce the financial burden. "In the final analysis, it still needs to strictly implement the national policy requirements on mutual recognition, and do not engage in‘ layer by layer ’.”

Which provinces are the current health code platforms

Can the nucleic acid results in other provinces and cities be query?

One picture understands

Liberation Daily · Shangguan News Original manuscript, reprinting without permission

Author: Wu Yan Zhang Yifei

WeChat editor: Jiasinmin

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