Accelerate the establishment of a standardized and orderly renewable resource market order

Author:Star Sand Times Time:2022.08.05

Xingsha Times (Reporter Li Dan) On August 4th, Changsha County held a special rectification work deployment and special training conference in the field of recycling the recycling of regeneration resources. Chen Jie, vice chairman of the county CPPCC and director of the County Commerce Bureau.

At the meeting, the relevant person in charge of the County Commerce Bureau deployed the special rectification of safety production in the field of recycling resources in Changsha County. Relevant persons in charge of various departments and towns (streets) made a statement.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to increase political standing and attach great importance to it. In accordance with the requirements of the "Special Rectification Plan for the Recycling Resources Recycling Resources Recycling Resources Recycling Field", immediately set up a special class of renewable resource special governance work. Carry out the foundation for work. It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership and fully implement responsibilities. Each town and streets should further strengthen the awareness of supervision responsibility, coordinate and coordinate each office () forces to carry out joint rectification law enforcement actions, compact village (community) territorial responsibilities, increase inspections and inspections Essence It is necessary to strengthen rectification and ensure long -term effective rectification. Each town and streets should focus on the difficulties of the safety production, fire protection, environmental protection and other difficult problems in the area under its jurisdiction, and strengthen the enforcement in accordance with the principles of "territorial management, department responsibility, joint law enforcement, and joint effort" to ensure the effectiveness of governance and further construction norms. , Order of the renewable resource market.

On the same day, the participants also conducted a special training meeting for the production safety of the renewable resource industry and the policy interpretation of the renewable resource industry.

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