good news!Linze Gao Laizhu

Author:Linze County Rong Media Center Time:2022.08.05

On August 4th, at the opening ceremony and seminar of the 2022 National Journey to the West in Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, Linze Gao Laozhuang was approved to set up the country's first batch of western cultural research bases.

The former deputy director of the State Administration of Cultural Relics and the general consultant of the China Journey to the West Journey, Qi Lianzhong, vice chairman of the China Journey to the West, and Deputy Secretary -General of the China Journey to the Journey Culture Research Association, Du Hongbin, to award Journey to the West to Linze Gao Laozhuang Plastic of Cultural Research Base.

It is understood that the China Journey to the West Journey is a national first -class community with "Journey to the West" culture as its research object. Provide guidance and support for various social cultural industry activities. After Linze Gao Laozhuang was approved by the Westward Journey Cultural Research Base, it will be guided, helped and supported by the China Journey to the Westward Journey Cultural Research Society in the Journey to the West Journey to the West Journey to the West Journey to the West Journey to the Journey to the West. The historical and cultural heritage along the line, contemporary cultural dissemination, and the promotion of urban construction and industrial development, bigger and strengthening the cultural research and education of the Westward Journey to the West, and have achieved new steps and achieved new results.

In recent years, Linze County has focused on building a comprehensive project of Cultural Creation and Exchange, Traditional Chinese Education, Leisure Tourism and other functions, Gao Laozhuang recovery projects, and integrating theme elements such as ancient Silk Road history, culture, folk culture, and food culture. Hexi has a strong ancient architectural style and garden landscape, and builds a comprehensive cultural tourism project with Hexi courtyard, folklore, food district, and regional commerce. Fully tap the cultural elements of the local westward tour, integrate into the experience of Gao Laozhuang's folklore tourism experience, and reproduce the allusion of pig Bajie. Organize the construction of folk culture with other tourism projects, comprehensively develop and centralize the folk song and dance performance, architectural art, catering culture, clothing display, special entertainment projects, folk crafts processing, etc., so that more people can experience the charm of folk culture Essence The project actively adapts to the new trend of tourism development and the new needs of passengers. The construction of high -starting points and high standards promotes the construction of boutique tourism attractions, adding a humanistic atmosphere to the Danxia Great Scenic Area, filling the gap of humanistic tourism, enhancing the visibility and visiting and visiting visit. You can stop. At the same time, the Hexi Folk Museum is adjacent to Gao Laozhuang, which mainly shows Hexi folk culture, historical culture, and ancient silk road culture. There are pottery museums, porcelain museums, boutique museums, Zhangye folk houses, supply and marketing cooperatives, opera halls, silk, and silk under the museum. The nine museums, including Hexi Baojuan and Farming Exhibition Area. Exhibits are colorful and different in display forms. They are important venues for visiting, observing, understanding, and learning Hexi folk culture, historical culture, humanities culture, and ancient Silk Road culture, which greatly enriches the content of Gao Laozhuang Research Base.

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