Zhang Danqing, the new job is clear

Author:Shandong Commercial Daily Time:2022.08.05

Shandong Commercial Daily • Sudao News reporter Gao Jianjun

According to the "Liaocheng Industrial Information", on the afternoon of July 21, the Liaocheng Textile and Clothing Industry Alliance and the Industrial Chain Promotion Conference were successfully held in Linqing.

Wang Gang, deputy mayor of Liaocheng, attended the conference and delivered a speech. The deputy secretary of the Linqing Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Lei Qijun delivered a speech. Pan Yufeng, deputy secretary -general of Liaocheng, attended the conference.

The above official news shows that Zhang Danqing, a member of the party group of the Liaocheng Commercial Investment Promotion Bureau and the director of the Municipal Economic Development Service Center, has been served as the party secretary and director of the city's foreign affairs office.

According to public information, Zhang Danqing, female, born in October 1978, was born in Linqing, Shandong.

Zhang Danqing is a cadre that grew up in Liaocheng. He worked in Linqing in his hometown in his hometown in his hometown.

In 2011, Zhang Danqing was transferred to the member of the Standing Committee of the Dongchang House District Committee and the Minister of Propaganda Department, and at the end of 2019, he served as a third -level investigator at the same time. In the meantime, she was the Deputy Director of the Public Cultural Division of the Provincial Department of Culture from 2017 to 2019.

In April 2020, after working in Dongchang Prefecture District, Zhang Danqing entered the work of the Liaocheng Department to work and served as a member of the Party Group of the Municipal Commerce and Investment Promotion Bureau and the director of the Municipal Economic Development Service Center.

Zheng Dongfang noticed that after the new performance, Zhang Danqing led his team to China Merchants many times. In April of this year, she also appeared in the endorsement of Liaocheng Agricultural Products in the Live Broadcasting Room.

In July of this year, the Liaocheng Municipal Party Committee's Organization Department issued a cadre before he announced that Zhang Danqing planned to be further used, and the new job is clear.

According to its official website, the Foreign Affairs Office of the Liaocheng People's Government is the municipal government's work department, the office of the Municipal Party Committee's Foreign Affairs Working Committee, and the comprehensive port management department of the city's implementation of foreign policies and handling important foreign affairs work in the city.

Prior to Zhang Danqing, Sheng Qiang served as the secretary of the party group and director of Liaocheng. He was born in March 1972. He was transferred to the party group and director of the Liaocheng Business and Investment Promotion Bureau in April this year.

Shandong Commercial Daily · Sudao News Network Editor Zhang Lei Xue Xun Wang Zhizheng

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