Where to play on weekends?These public cultural venues in Chengdu will be restored tomorrow

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.08.05

With the effective control of Chengdu's this round of this round of epidemic, on August 5, many public cultural venues such as the Sichuan Library, Chengdu Museum, and Wuhou Temple Museum announced that they will be opened from August 6.

The opening time of the Sichuan Provincial Library is from 9:00 to 20:30 on Tuesday to Sunday (regular closed library on Monday). Readers need to make an appointment through the Sichuan Library WeChat public account. The staff assisted on the spot to complete the enrollment procedures. Keep a distance of more than 1 meter when you wait in line to wait in line. You must wear masks, match the body temperature, show health code, scan the yard, and hold 48 hours of nucleic acid negative reports.

After the Chengdu Museum will be opened at 9 o'clock tomorrow, the smart ticketing system will be officially launched. Citizens and audiences will combine the health code, place code, and two -dimensional code in the museum through online appointments and later entrance to the museum. Team, realize the silky experience of easily entering the museum. The audience must hold a 48 -hour kernel to detect negative proof.

The Wuhou Temple Museum will also be resumed at 9 o'clock tomorrow to implement an open model for online real -name appointments and visits to visit. The audience needs to make an appointment to purchase tickets on the official website of the Wuhou Temple Museum in Chengdu in advance, and arrive at the museum according to the appointment time. The audience who cannot purchase tickets through online appointments, please go to the on -site ticket window to buy tickets. Before buying tickets, you must cooperate with the ticket salesperson to check the valid documents (health code, itinerary code, nucleic acid detection certificate, identity document). 48 hours of kernel acidic acid detection negative proof.

Chengdu Library and Tianfu Humanities and Art Library will be restored to the public from 9:00 in the morning. The number of reservations for the Chengdu Library daily is 1,500, Tianfu Humanities and Art Library 3,000 daily reservations, Tianfu Humanities and Art Library Children's Reading Center The number of reservations daily is 800. When readers enter the museum, they must show 48 hours of kernel acid negative proof, in conjunction with the detection of body temperature, presenting the appointment code, health code, and wearing a mask at all.

In addition, the Chengdu City Concert Hall also announced today that it will resume offline performances today. The Chinese original musical work "Lost on the World", the parent -child concert "You are a pianist", "Chengdu City Concert Hall Art Exhibition Summer Camp" and other performances will all be Log in to the Chengdu Urban Concert Hall one after another. According to the relevant requirements, the audience must provide a 48 -hour nucleic acid detection negative report to the concert in the concert hall.

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