Dogs do not eat or drink for 3 consecutive days. After sending the nutrient solution to the hospital: When did you get pregnant?

Author:Xiaoming pet Time:2022.08.05

We often see the news, and someone gave birth to a child silent.

However, all this will happen to pets, dare you believe it?

Don't eat or drink for 3 days, is it sick?

The woman's family raised several giant Alaska. Among them, the bitch was named "Stinky". It is said that it was too stinky when he was a kid, so he got the name.

For some time before, it had a small amount of eating.

At first, the woman thought that the weather was probably too hot, so it affected the appetite of the dog. This is actually a normal phenomenon. People will have appetite because of heat, let alone pets? So I didn't intervene too much.

However, the situation of the dogs became more and more outrageous. After 3 days of dripping, the food was not moved. For a dog weighing more than 100 pounds, where can I eat it!

So the woman who was afraid of the dog was about to take the dog to the hospital for examination to see what was happening. By the way, hang some nutrient solution so that it will not be so weak.

When are you pregnant?

However, after some examination, the result given by the doctor shocked the woman, and it was stuffed at the time. It turns out that the reason why the dog does not eat or drink is not to get sick, but it is about to be promoted to be a mother and a cub!

After hearing this news, the woman was really surprised and happy. Why is it inexplicable, she is going to be a grandmother? The key is when you are pregnant?

Moving, the dog is under his eyelids every day, but even when the woman he pregnant does not know, the master has a little failure, and a sense of frustration comes.

Now that things have happened, women can only accept it. Hurry up and take the dog home to serve. This is the first time that the dog is pregnant. According to its big physique, how can you have a few?

8 days later, the "independent seedlings" gave birth to

What was unexpected was that the dog produced 8 days later.

When the woman greeted the puppy cubs with expectations, it was found that the dog was born for a long time, just like "squeezing toothpaste". It was only disappointing.

However, disappointment is disappointed. The confinement meal prepared by the dog for the dog is still pretty good. She immediately bought it for a catfish and returned to stew the fish soup. It's already good, you have to make up for it.

After reading this story, many netizens also said that their own dogs also had the phenomenon of not eating or drinking when they were pregnant.

Hahahaha, you must be careful. It seems that pets do not eat or drink not only risk of illness, but also risk of pregnancy. You must pay attention.


Harm, this is also a "oolong" that the pets are not talking. If the pet can "notify" the owner's pregnancy, it will not let the shovel officer know it when it is about to produce.

Therefore, this little story reminds everyone that when the shovel officer must be thin, when you find that the pet body is strange, we must observe more and send it to the hospital for treatment in time, so as not to delay the best treatment time.

Since we have pets, we must be responsible for their health. Pet more attention to pet health, right?

The picture comes from the Internet.

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