Chinese and foreign media go to Hunan to interview to promote rural revitalization

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.08.06

Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, August 5th (Reporters Xu Ruiqing and Zhao Family) The interview with the "Chinese and Foreign Media Hunan Trip" held by the State Council Information Office was held from August 2nd to 5th. The regional overseas media and some central media reporters exchanged the relevant leaders of the Hunan Provincial Agricultural and Rural Affairs Department and the Rural Revitalization Bureau, and walked into many cities and prefectures in Hunan to understand the province's promotion of rural revitalization.

During the four -day event, the reporter came to Chunhua Town in Changsha City, Qingxi Village, Yiyang City, Xiangxi Tujia Miao Autonomous Prefecture Eighteen Cave Village, and Zhangjiajie City Hequn Village and other places. Innovative interviews were conducted.

In Hunan Xiangyan Industry Co., Ltd., located in Chunhua Town, Changsha City, the enterprise's agricultural product demonstration base attracted the attention of domestic and foreign journalists. The person in charge of the company said that the company specializes in the selection, production, promotion and sales of new varieties of vegetables mainly based on pepper, and has accumulated more than 200 new varieties such as peppers and eggplants. Essence

As the "precision poverty alleviation", Eighteen Cave Village became the first poverty -stricken village in Hunan in 2016. Here, reporters at home and abroad feel that the "barren land" of the Eighteen Cave Village has developed from the "barren land" of the hinterland of the Wuling Mountains into a "place of hope" in infrastructure, industrial development, and increased villagers' income. Go to the epitome of the revitalization of the countryside. It is understood that the per capita net income of the poverty alleviation population in Hunan Province increased from 1987 yuan in 2014 to 13,553 yuan in 2021.

Hunan is a large agricultural province. In recent years, Hunan has continuously strengthened agricultural science and technology support and improved comprehensive agricultural production capacity. As of the end of 2021, the province's high -standard farmland had a reservation of 36.15 million mu, the comprehensive mechanization rate of rice farming seeds exceeded 80%, and the contribution rate of agricultural science and technology progress reached 61.8%. In 2021, grain output reached 61.49 billion kg.

Focus on strong agricultural, rural beauty, and peasants, Hunan vigorously implements the strategy of rural revitalization, the living standards of poverty alleviation have improved significantly, realized not worrying about eating, not worried, and comprehensively realizing compulsory education, basic medical care, housing safety and drinking water safety.

"I have witnessed the tremendous changes in China's rural appearance in the 11 years of working in China." Peng Yan Lushan, a reporter from Eiffise, Spain, said at the end of the event that this event made him deeply appreciate the increasing prosperity of China's rural economy. , Farmers' life has improved significantly.

[Editor in charge: Xu Haizhi]

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