Qingdao Yunnan Road Street: Volunteer I will build a civilized city together

Author:Volunteer Qingdao Time:2022.08.06

In order to further promote the work of the city and comprehensively improve the community's sanitary environment, on the morning of August 6, Qingdao Yunnan Road Street Social Work Station and Community Social Organization Development Center jointly and Qingdao City Yunchong Holding Public Transport Group City North Bus Fourth Branch Volunteer Team Carry out the theme activities of "I will contribute to the cities to make a clean home."

Volunteers are dressed in eye -catching volunteers, and wearing tools such as iron clips and iron crickets to clean up the green belt on both sides of the road, and collect the dead angles of garbage, especially plastic bags and weed branches. Long, trivial accumulation of items, and difficult to clean up, but volunteers are not afraid, the labor scene, the heat facing the sky, does not fall down at any corner, and gives full play to the volunteer spirit of volunteers who are not afraid of suffering, dirty, and tired, are cleaning up At the same time as the corner of the corridor, volunteers also persuaded residents not to throw debris, remind everyone to cultivate civilized sanitation habits, do a good job of epidemic prevention and control, and effectively curb the spread of diseases. Seeing everyone's busy scene, residents raised their thumbs up to praise them.

According to the chief social worker of Qingdao Yunnan Road Street Social Work Station, this event is one of the contents of the "Xizhen Aidou Troupe" autonomous co -governance project. This year, in order to strive to create a clean, tidy, orderly, and unobstructed civilized community, Yunnan Road Street Social Work Station explores the "1+X" model, and is dominated by the community. The role of party members helps solve the environmental sanitation of community, continuously strengthens community infrastructure and cultural construction, and effectively promotes the smooth development of community civilization creation. (Correspondent: Song Zhen)

Editor in charge: Zhang Xu

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