Shenzhen Longgang: Residents' traffic safety starts from the "head", Jihua Street has carried out a centenary rectification operation of traffic safety

Author:Yangcheng Evening News Yangche Time:2022.06.17

On the evening of June 13th, Jihua Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen Organizing the Traffic Security Commission, Traffic Police Phuket Team, Water Trail Police Station and other relevant units to the intersection of Jihua Road and Changlong Road, and the section of the section of the water diameter station. The law -defensive manner has called for the safety of residents from wearing a helmet. That night, a total of 54 non -motorized vehicles were investigated and punished, 59 were punished without a helmet, 4 illegal vehicles were punished, 59 were not worn by the helmet, and more than 50 passengers were persuaded to signed more than 70 commitments.

Carry out special actions of traffic safety 100 -day rectification

It is understood that the area of ​​Jihua Street has a large area and a large population. The factories and "villages in the city" are dense, the road traffic organizations are complicated. Large security risks. In order to guide residents to develop a good habit of consciously abiding by the law, do good road traffic safety, ensure the stable traffic situation, and create a safe, unobstructed, orderly, and convenient transportation environment. From May this year, the streets are combined with road traffic characteristics in the jurisdiction of the area under their jurisdictions. , Facing the special rectification operation of traffic safety in the whole region, one is to play warning educational films, distributing publicity pages, promotional banners, small speakers, on -site education, signing commitments, etc. through LED screen The second is to increase punishment for illegal acts such as non -wearing helmets and not complying with traffic rules such as electric bicycles at the key intersection. According to statistics, since the special operation of traffic safety rectification is carried out, a total of 255 police forces have been dispatched, 915 non -motorized vehicles have been investigated and punished, and more than 250 were punished by illegal acts and vehicles. More than 1,000 sects, more than 2,000 publicity pages were distributed, and 207 commitments were signed. (Cai Pengfei Jixuan)

Source | Yangcheng Evening News · Yangcheng School

Editor -in -law | Huang Lei

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