Li Yinglan: Strengthening and innovating grass -roots governance construction is a higher level of Ping'an Jiangjin to maintain the actual results of the maintenance and stability.

Author:Jiangjin Rong Media Time:2022.08.06

Jiangjin Rong Media (Reporter Lu Xiao) On August 4, our district held a meeting to welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the district party committee strengthening and innovating grass -roots governance promotion meeting, discussed the experience of grass -roots governance, and arranged the recent safety and stability work. Mobilize the deployment of large -scale safety production inspections and carry out special actions for a hundred -day rectification.

Li Yinglan, secretary of the district party committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Tang Dajun, deputy secretary of the district party committee and district chief, Zou Yunsheng, director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, and Yang Li, chairman of the District CPPCC attended the meeting. Qin Min, deputy secretary of the District Party Committee, chaired the meeting. The district leaders Yang Yongfang, Li Yong, Reed Huan, Lei Xianbin, Zhong Hongbing, Huang Ding, etc. attended the meeting.

Li Yinglan pointed out that it is necessary to take safety and stability as an important political task at the moment, with the sense of responsibility of "constant reassurance", and pay close attention to the existing risk factors, and solidly do a good job of safety production, risk prevention, and normalized epidemic prevention and control work. The actual results of maintaining security and stability welcome the 20th victory of the party.

Li Yinglan emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the leadership of party building as the core, give full play to the role of the grass -roots party organization's fighting fortress and the role of the pioneers of the majority of party members, and continuously enhance the party's political leadership, ideological leadership, mass organization, and social appeal in grassroots governance. It is necessary to adhere to democratic consultation, adhere to the combination of autonomy, rule of law, and moral governance, continuously enhance the initiative and enthusiasm of the masses to participate in grass -roots consultation democratic and autonomy, and promote the construction of co -administrative governance and sharing of grass -roots governance. Each town and streets should use Dingshan Street's grass -roots governance experience and practices to based on their own reality, re -study, re -mobilize, and deploy grassroots governance work, gradually expand the scope of reform and innovation of grassroots governance, promote the overall level of grassroots governance capabilities and levels in the region. promote.

On the morning of the same day, the relevant leaders of the towns investigated the experience and practices of grass -roots governance at Dingshan Street.

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