The key work scheduling of the epidemic prevention and control of the district will be held

Author:Penang Mercy Media Time:2022.08.06

Bincheng Rong Media (Reporter Bi Mengke reported) On the afternoon of August 5th, the district's key work dispatch meeting was held, deputy secretary of the district party committee and district chief Li Gang, deputy district chief Fu Chengsong, Qu Jie, and deputy chairman of the CPPCC He Huixia Zhang Liang attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the participants watched the video prevention and control supervision video of the epidemic prevention and control. He Huixia, vice chairman of the CPPCC and chairman of the District Industry and Commerce Federation, notified the feedback of the city supervision; Non -key crowds of "inspection should be checked" for the progress of nucleic acid testing; Fu Chengsong and Qu Jie talked about work opinions, and the mayor of Li Gang made comprehensive arrangements for the prevention and control of the epidemic in the region.

Li Gang pointed out that it is necessary to quickly rectify the problem. Regarding the problems discovered by the provincial and municipal supervision, departments at all levels must take the initiative to claim and get the section, and quickly grasp the rectification and implementation. For the rectification and implementation of supervision feedback issues, the district supervision team must pay attention to the upper and up, continue to follow up and implement, and ensure that the problem is actually rectified in place. Strictly implement the frequency of nucleic acid testing, we must do a good job of "inspection" and non -key groups of non -key groups of key groups. Ten nucleic acid testing of 10 types of key places, find out the bottom of the region, clarify the scope of key groups of nucleic acid testing, and provide solid guarantee for the test of nucleic acid testing.

Li Gang emphasized that it is necessary to continue to optimize the detection process of nucleic acid, improve the detection efficiency, optimize the sampling point layout, and optimize and adjust the nucleic acid sampling point in a timely manner according to the daily sampling of each sampling point to meet the needs of the masses' nucleic acid testing. It is necessary to continue to strengthen publicity and guidance, establish systematic thinking, implement the responsibility of the epidemic prevention and control territory, industry executive responsibility, and in the process of establishing cities, law enforcement, inspection, and visits, we should do a good job of publicity and reminder of the prevention and control policies of the epidemic. Know. The competent departments of various industries should increase the typical exposure of the negative side, guide the merchants to improve the ideological understanding of the prevention and control of the epidemic, and urge the implementation of various normal epidemic prevention and control measures.

Li Gang requested that the townships (streets) should carry the responsibility of the land, and the main responsible comrades must personally grasp and overall responsibility, and grasp the various tasks of preventing and controlling the epidemic. We must continue to increase supervision and inspection, find problems in the discovery of supervision, to establish accounts in a timely manner, feedback and track supervision and rectification, and check the rectification effects through regular "look back" and irregular inspections. Ensure that the prevention and control of the epidemic in our district will not have any problems, and create a good development environment for the high -quality development of the region in the region.

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