Walking in the front of the new bureau 丨 Pickup Guochao Cultural Show, Holding Holding Holders, Miss Miss Miss Sister Crossing Millennium in one second

Author:Qilu.com Time:2022.08.06

Qilu.com · Lightning News, August 6th, keep in mind the instructions to entrust ahead, and brave the mission to start a new bureau. From July to August, the Lightning News Client of Shandong Radio and Television launched the "Walking in the New Bureau" Shandong 16 cities in Shandong 16 large-scale media live broadcast. In the form of all-weather, full media, full coverage, and new media products, netizens have been immersed through immersive Slowly live broadcast and marching reports, focus on the spirit of thoroughly studying and implementing the spirit of the 12th Party Congress of the Provincial Party, watch the new breakthroughs of the "Top Ten Innovation", the new progress of the "Top Ten Industry" and the "Top Ten Demand Demand" Essence

At 16:00 on August 6th, the 10th stop of the live broadcast entered Linyi. In 5 hours, we will go to the tourist area of ​​Hongying, Shandong, and talk to Yimeng Hongyu to feel their blood and dedication; go to the red Zhucun, witness the ingenuity and ingenuity of a wicker in Linyi people Under the creation, 30,000 changes in magic; visiting the logistics capital, experience the live broadcast of the Linyi Mall, even the ok anchor and one -stop buying and buying global good things; above the Yiyi River, appreciate the night and light, Linyi is gorgeous and romantic; the night Linyi, which is immersed in fireworks, is hot, sweet, sweet peach, and delicious pancakes.

"The iron tree golden flowers are falling, and the stars are open." On August 6th, the reporter will take you to the Rainbow Town of Yishui, specialty food, visiting artificial artificial workshop, and non -heritage skills ... Tour Yishui at night!

Lightning News reporter Liu Guiqiu Yu Yishui Rong Media Liu Dongjie Huang Xiulong editor Fang Lei reported

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