David+heavy rain+heavy rain!The rain is approaching, and the temperature drops to ...

Author:Great Wall Time:2022.08.07


Today's sultry

Did you feel it?

Most temperature in the afternoon (14 o'clock)

Reach near 35 ° C near the high temperature line

Among them

Reach 37.8 ℃

At the same time

Most of the south south relative humidity

Both are more than 60%

The "sauna mode" intensified

High -temperature orange warning signal online

Hebei Meteorological Observatory

14:00 on August 5, 2022

Release the weather forecast for the next 6 hours

It is expected that in the next 6 hours, there will be thunderstorms or showers in the eastern part of Qinhuangdao, northwest of Baoding, Shijiazhuang, Cangzhou, Hengshui, East Xingtai, and the clouds in the east of Handan. Time of strong precipitation, short -term wind and other strong convective weather, cloudy in other areas.

Since August

Our province encountered

The hottest time since this year

Going out like a "steamed sauna"

Now the deputy Gao Qiangsheng

The "sauna mode" intensified

High -temperature orange warning signal online

Hebei Meteorological Observatory

11:00 on August 5, 2022

Continue to release a high -temperature orange warning signal

It is expected that this afternoon, the eastern part of Baoding, Xiong'an New District, southern Langfang, the central and eastern parts of Shijiazhuang, Cangzhou, Hengshui, and the eastern part of Handan in the central and eastern parts of Handan can reach 36 ° C to 37 ° C, and the local area can reach 38 ° C. Please prevent it!


The high temperature in the central and southern parts does not leave the game

Steaming night boiled

Sullen the whole day, do not go offline all day

Be sure to pay attention to heatstroke and cooling

When can it be cool?

It is expected that the rain will come this Sunday. Affected by the cold air and precipitation, the temperature will begin to decline. By next Monday (8th), the maximum temperature will drop to 30 ° C and below.

Click to view the big picture ↑

Rain in the next few days will increase

Sunday to next Monday

Welcome to the process of rainfall

Today and tomorrow

Thunderstorms frequently "disturb"

Land rainfall

During the thunderstorm, accompanied

For short -term precipitation, thunderstorm, etc.

Strong convection weather

It is expected to be from Sunday to next Monday

(7, 8)

Our province will usher in

A clear rainfall process at a time

In some areas to heavy rain

Local or heavy rain and heavy rains invading

Pay attention to timely

Forecast, early warning information

Be alert to the occurrence of secondary disasters

Hebei Province's main cities forecast

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Activity channel

Source: Great Wall Network Integrate from Hebei weather, Chinese weather, etc.

Responsible editor: Fang Shujing Su Haojun Chen Zhaoyue

Edit: Ma Jianwen

- END -

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