Yangxin County, Shandong Province launched the environmental sanitation cleaning operation of "Liangwu Yangxin"

Author:Yangxin Rong Media Time:2022.08.07

On the morning of August 5th, party members and cadres at all levels of Yangxin County, Shengbin, Shandong Province, wore red vests, and walked into the streets and alleys in their hands, sweeping garbage, dredging mud, removing weeds, and "washing their faces" for the county. The actual actions participated in the environmental sanitation cleaning operation of the "Liangwu Yangxin", and advocated the general public to maintain the image of a good county.

From August 1st, every Friday in the county's normalization of the "Lianggang Xinxin" environmental sanitation cleaning action, to clear the county's public areas and construction sites such as health deadly, and the scum and other production and life wastes. Internal and external environmental hygiene rectification efforts, comprehensively and thoroughly clean up waste and suspended waste.

The "Liangwu Yangxin" environmental sanitation cleaning action aims to guide the majority of cadres and employees to closely combine the prevention and control of the patriotic health movement and the prevention and control of normalized epidemics, and continue to promote comprehensive environmental sanitation and publicity. The risk of disease dissemination and protect the masses' good health.

The activity adheres to the participation of the whole people and the participation of the whole staff. Through the solid development of environmental hygiene cleaning operations, consolidate the achievements of the provincial civilized counties, and further promote the deep and practical of "knowing love" in the Yangxin Working environment.

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