Shannan Girl Gamarazhen Hunan Hunan Workplace Dream

Author:Main News in Tibet Time:2022.08.07

The "post -95" Shannan girl Gamarazhen, who is independent, working hard, and loves life, is now working in Changsha, Hunan.

Since joining the Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau of Furong District, Changsha City in December 2021, in more than 8 months, Gamarazhen has completed the most important choice in his career.

Born in the Tibetan class of Gacha County and high school admission to Yingkou, Liaoning, studying law in Xiamen University, and going to Changsha for employment. Gamarazhen, 26, "walked south and north" since he was a child, developing a strong and independent personality.

In 2019, after graduating from college, Gamarazhen went to Gongkang Village, Gagchang County to serve as rural rejuvenation. The two years of grass -roots study and experience, so that she had good work literacy. But she was uneasy about the status quo. She wanted to break through herself, jumping out of the "comfort zone", and seeing and taking a look at it.

In 2021, by chance, Gamarazhen saw the recruitment announcement of Hunan, Hubei, and Anhui provinces on the Internet. He did not hesitate to apply for the current post and passed the exam.

In fact, this time I went to work in Changsha is not the first time that Gamarazhen has associated with Hunan.

During her tenure in the rural rejuvenation in 2020, she was selected to Changsha and participated in half a month of study and training. During the period, she visited and studied in many parts of Changsha, and was attracted by the city at once. She said: "This city has a unique cultural connotation, develops rapidly, built well, and has a fragrant and spicy Hunan cuisine. I like it very much."

Since then, Changsha has become a city in the heart of Gamarazhen. And this time to work in Changsha, it was her dream journey.

"On the day of reporting to Changsha, the director of our bureau made a special trip to the airport to pick me up. Before renting the house, the chairman of our bureau's trade union kept letting me live in her house." When I first went to work in Changsha, Gamarazhen felt that the unit felt the unit. The warmth brought by colleagues, the once worried heart gradually became bright.

When she first joined the job, she was arranged at the information dispatch center. The main job was to answer the government hotline and handle related business on the system platform for the citizens. Later, in accordance with the principles of professional counterparts, the job was adjusted to the legal department, and it was mainly responsible for the review of intellectual property cases, the review of the drug -related cases, and the entry of related case systems.

When you first arrived, Gamarazhen, like many newcomers in the workplace, also faced many difficulties. For example, if you do n’t understand the Changsha dialect, it is difficult to communicate with the local citizens; you are not familiar with related business knowledge and requirements, work slowly at work, make mistakes when applying for business, etc.

"I have worried and lost, but I know that I can't be discouraged, frustrated, and the more difficult, the more difficult it is, otherwise what is my work for Changsha?" Gamara Zhen secretly compared himself with himself Essence

In order to adapt to the new environment and new work as soon as possible, she warned herself to maintain a rigorous and meticulous work attitude, learned relevant laws and regulations and business knowledge from scratch, found the previous cases, and asked the leaders and colleagues to ask for any problems. At the same time, her leaders and colleagues often take the initiative to guide her, helping her to solve her work problems.

"Once, the case of a trademark infringement I dealt with was inappropriate due to the inappropriate results of the handling and did not pass it at the case of the case. No, but lack of certain experience and life experience, and tell me what aspects I should start with such cases in the future. This time, I have learned a lot, and I feel the warmth of the units. "Gamarara Zhen Ru said.

She also said: "It is a luck to be able to come to work in the bureau. It is a kind of luck for me. Our leadership and colleagues have very strong business ability. I have learned a lot from them; I usually get along very well. It is especially good. When you encounter things, we will help each other. We are not just colleagues, but also friends. "

Outside of work, Gamarazhen often introduces colleagues in Tibet's customs and culture, and will go shopping with colleagues. She will be invited to eat and guests at her colleague's house. For more than 8 months, she has really integrated into the new world of Changsha.

Gamarazhen also said that there are more than 30 Shannan college students who go to Hunan to work in the same group of Hunan, which are distributed in various industries and cities and regions. To cheer each other, I will make time when I want to get home. It is a collection of Tibetan restaurants called "Linkakuang" in Changsha to talk about it.

"Since I went to work in Changsha, many students who intend to work outside the district have been asking me, and I will encourage and mobilize them to work outside the district." Gamarazhen said, "In Changsha, the environment is good, the environment is good , Good treatment, good colleagues, development space, and improve professional ability. Why not go to the world outside the region while you are in your youth. "

"After all, who can reject Changsha's most delicious peppers fried yellow beef?" Gamarazhen joked, showing satisfaction with now life and work.

Source: China Tibet News reporter Liu Feng

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