Liu Qi: Being a loyal guard for casting the mountain pavilion is safe Time:2022.08.07 · Lightning News August 7th. In order to further tell the police story of the police and establish a good image of the public security team, the Propaganda Department of the Zaozhuang Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Public Security Bureau decided to jointly carry out the promotional activities of the "Most Beautiful Police in Zaozhuang". Whose deeds are the most beautiful? Who is the "most beautiful police officer in Zaozhuang" in everyone's minds? Let us walk into them together!

Liu Qi, an ordinary police policeman. He has diligently learning and has become a business backbone of the business; he is loyal and dedicated, showing the political firmness of politics; he retrograde the "epidemic" line, guarding the harmonious and tranquility of a hot land ... The original mission of the people.

Liu Qi, the current captain of the Second Squadron of the Squadron of the Sanding Branch of Zaozhuang City Public Security Bureau. For 18 years, he has been fighting on the front line of public security management. He has been awarded Ping An's Personal Construction Personal Awards, the city's non -advanced individuals, the city's power facilities and electricity protection work; The Public Security Bureau was hired as the instructor of public security management; the Government of the Yamaging District Party Committee and District Government was rated as an excellent Communist Party member of the Epidemic Prevention Pioneer and the advanced individual of the comprehensive assessment of the high -quality development of the high -quality development of Yamaging District in 2021, and repeatedly rewarded the rejuvenation.

Walking the "epidemic" line, responsible

"The epidemic is not retreating, the police will not retreat, the police are linked, and the mission is on the shoulders!" This is the vow of Liu Qi as a Communist Party member and an ordinary police officer. At the beginning of 2020, the epidemic of the new crown pneumonia spread, and the Shanting Branch of the Zaozhuang City Public Security Bureau immediately established a special class to prevent and control the epidemic. Liu Qi applied for the first time to join the special class and went to the "epidemic" line to work. For more than 2 years, Liu Qi led the members of the special class to respond to the epidemic calmly, and successively carried out more than 400,000 follow -up social follow -up, investigated more than 10,000 key personnel in the immune, and more than 400 overseas entry personnel in closed -loop management. There are more than 800 clues.

Whenever the epidemic strikes, Liu Qi eats and lives in the unit, fights for a few shafts, receives the notification of higher -level documents with his comrades, reports various reports, verify the various information pushed by superiors, and push the supervision information to the front line to ensure that the follow -up work can not be used to the work. , Don’t miss it. In his words, "The outbreak is the most difficult and most nervous time, and it must be highly vigilant. It is nothing to work at all. This is what party members and police should be!"

January 31, 2022 is the traditional Chinese New Year. Liu Qi, who was originally worthless, thought that most of the migrant workers returned to their hometowns to celebrate the New Year. Those who appeared in the mountain pavilion in succession and subsequent subsequent interruptions brought a lot of pressure on the prevention and control of the mountain epidemic. So on the Spring Festival, he took the initiative to go to the unit to deal with the data pushed by superiors.

At 16:00 on the same day, a close person in Sangcun Town, Yamaging District. Liu Qi immediately carried out the tone of the densely connected. Through 4 hours of tension and orderly sorting out, three -ranking close -ups were eventually associated. At this time, he thought he could be relieved and could accompany his family to have a reunion Spring Festival. I thought, at 22:30, his phone ringing sounded again, and it was a call from the district epidemic headquarters! He sank at the time and realized that something happened. After connecting the phone, I learned that the superior pushed 4 secrets. He did not hesitate. After he hurriedly bid farewell to his family, he immediately worked overtime to carry out streaming work, and finally completed all the flow work at 3 am. The staff of the headquarters asked him, "Liu team, do you still go home now?" Liu Qi said without thinking: "It's so late, I still affect my family rest. I will be on duty tomorrow. It's! "

Liu Qi may not be a qualified son, husband, and father, but he is a qualified people's police. Although he did not confront the virus face to face, he supported the safe "protective cover" for the small city.

Loyalty and dedication, dare to win

Although the law and order management work is not amazing, but only by putting the security management work firmly can we bring a sense of security to the masses. Since working on public security, Liu Qi has participated in security security for the college entrance examination every year. From a police officer at the beginning, he has gradually grown to the person in charge of the independence. Since the lead in the college entrance examination security work, Liu Qi has to repeatedly check the inside and outside of the examination room and formulate a detailed security plan. For 18 years, he has been responsible for the security of more than 30 security for college entrance examination and high school graduation examinations, serving more than 70,000 students and parents of college entrance examinations, and realizing the "zero errors" and "zero accidents" of the college entrance examination security.

Liu Qi is too politically strong and proficient in business, and uses practical things to show his loyalty to the party. For more than a decade, he was responsible for a large -scale event security incident; he has arrested more than 50 fugitives and more than 200 criminal suspects ... All comrades who worked with Liu Qi highly affirmed his serious work attitude. In this regard, Liu Qi had a lot of emotions. "No matter which department work with and put on this police uniform, my words and deeds represent the image of Yamanting Public Security.

Thinking diligently, bravely be a pacesetter

No one can succeed casually. Only by paying hard work and sweat can we climb the peak. As a public security police, the work that bears the most widely covered and covered with the most content. With his love of work, he carefully studied laws and regulations and business knowledge about public security management. When he encountered any questions, he asked with an open mind and checked all kinds of latest laws, regulations, and rules and regulations released on the Internet.

It is precisely because of hard work and hard work that Liu Qi quickly became the backbone of public security management and was hired by the Municipal Public Security Bureau as instructors and gambling machine appraisers in the public security management business of the city.In order to ensure the continuity of public security management, he set up files and regulations that he involved in his work, rules, and regulations, and updated in a timely manner in accordance with the latest laws and regulations, rules and regulations released by the superior.In his words, "I do n’t necessarily do law and order for a lifetime. If one day is transferred from other jobs, at least the people who work in my job can quickly enter the role and improve business skills!"

Lightning reporter Li Yongwen Correspondent Tian Tian reported

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