Following mechanism, major adjustment

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.07

According to the Civil Aviation Administration website on August 7, in accordance with the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council, in order to efficiently coordinate the prevention and control of epidemic and economic and social development, promote the exchanges and exchanges and cooperation of Chinese and foreign personnel, and to do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic.From August 7th, optimization and adjustment of international regular passenger flights.

The adjusted melting measures are: For a single airline in the airline with a diagnosis of 5 cases, when the proportion of passengers accurate passengers reaches 4%of the number of passengers in the flight, the operation is suspended for 1 week;When the number of passengers is 8%, it is suspended for 2 weeks.The amount of fuse flight shall not be adjusted for other routes.

Relevant policies will make necessary adjustments in a timely manner according to the situation and prevention and control requirements of the epidemic.

Source: Civil Aviation Bureau website

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