Binzhou City holds the training course

Author:Binzhou Daily Time:2022.08.07

Binzhou Daily/Binzhou News from August 5th to 6th, the Municipal Science and Technology Association System Service Capability Training Course was held at Binzhou Bohai Advanced Technology Research Institute. Wang Ting, a member of the Provincial Association of Science and Technology, and Chen Aiguo, a member of the Provincial Science and Technology Association, gave a special lecture.

At the meeting, Wang Ting made a lecture report entitled "New Outline for New Mission and New Science". He combined the work experience of participating in the "Outline of the National Science Quality Action Planning", and analyzed the situation, tasks and changes facing the overseas science from the overall concept, strategic thinking and problem -oriented orientation, and deeply interpreted the Outline of the State Council's "National Scientific Quality Action Planning ( "2021-2035)", systematically analyzes the vision and path of the scientific quality of citizens in the next 15 years.

Wang Ting pointed out that in the next 15 years, if China will basically build a world science and technology power, it is required to greatly improve the scientific quality of the whole people, consolidate the support foundation, create a grand high -quality innovation army, and build a plateau with the scientific and cultural quality of the Chinese nation. Only the world talent center and innovation highland can start the peak of innovation that dare to be the first. He emphasized that it is necessary to grasp the changes of science popularization in the new era. The new path of scientific quality construction must be aimed at improving the high -quality development of the national scientific quality services. Focusing on the "four -way" ecosystem of socialized collaboration, intelligent communication, standardized construction, and international cooperation. Finally, Wang Ting explained the relevant requirements of the new outline for scientific quality evaluation.

This training course is based on the theme of "Welcome to the Twenty Division to the Future" and positioned the duties of the "Four Services" of the Science and Technology Association. The party "self -reliance" three sections focus on the high -quality development of popular science and scientific quality construction, deepen the ideological and political leadership of scientific and technological workers, work in the new era, entrepreneurial investment, science and technology group think tank construction and public opinion publicity, overseas patent information promotion Enterprise innovation and development and other contents are designed to strengthen the innovative thinking of cadres in the city's science and technology associations, improve the ability of grassroots science and technology associations to organize their duties and business levels, and make every effort to promote the implementation of the "11452" work ideas of the Municipal Science and Technology Association.

It is reported that the Municipal Science and Technology Association System Capability Training Course is a dry training brand activity organized and implemented by the Binzhou Science and Technology Association to deepen the reform of the city's science and Technology Association and enhance the organizational strength of the grassroots science and technology associations. The first rotation of cadres.

(Reporter Kang Ye correspondent Li Xin report)

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