An Notice on the trajectory of 4 new crown -positive cases in the city in the city (No. 63 of the Headquarters)

Author:Enping City Rong Media Center Time:2022.08.07

About 4 new crown -positive cases in the city

Notice on the track trajectory of Enping City

(Headquarters No. 63)

On August 7, the city received a notification from the Disease Control Center of the Panyu District of Guangzhou City. Four people from Panyu District returned from Sanya City, Hainan Province. He had stopped in the Shengtang service area of ​​Shenhai Expressway. The activity trajectory is as follows:

On August 6, more than 3 am, people who drove from Haikou to the ear from Haikou, stayed in the Saint Temple service area around 13:27, and went to the toilet and bought food for about 10 minutes.

After receiving the notification, our city conducts temporary management and control of the service area, and quickly carried out the disposal of flow traceability, regional control, nucleic acid detection and other disposal, and implemented management measures for relevant personnel such as dense and sub -secrets. Disinfection at the end.

In order to exclude the risk of epidemic dissemination, if the citizens stay at the Shenhai Expressway Saint Highway Saint Hall Service Area at 13:00 on August 6, please immediately take the initiative to report to the residential village (community), work units or residential hotels to do Good personal protection goes to the nearest nucleic acid detection point for nucleic acid detection to complete the "three days and two inspections" and home health monitoring. If you have ten major symptoms such as fever, go to the medical institution in time to send a hot clinic.

The situation of the epidemic prevention and control is still severe. Please abide by the relevant epidemic prevention and control measures, please pay attention to the official release information, do not create rumors, rumors, rumors, and panic. Mask, wash your hands frequently, often ventilate, and keep social distance.

Enping's new coronary virus pneumonia

Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Office

August 7, 2022

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