Jiuquan Subei: Innovate the "Five Micro Actions" to help party members to educate quality and improve quality and efficiency

Author:Subei Published Time:2022.08.07

Since the beginning of this year, the Public Security Bureau of Subei County has thoroughly implemented the "Regulations on Education and Management of Party Members of the Communist Party of China", and innovated the five micro operations of "micro -form, micro -position, micro -models, micro -service, and microservices". Strengthening the education of party members in orientation, providing a more powerful guarantee for the construction of a strong team of party members and promoting high -quality development.

"Micro -form" rejuvenates, party members' education "has aura". Build four "online+offline" platforms, including the weekly study day, ten minutes of party building daily, "learning a strong country", and WeChat public account to continuously enrich the form of education and enhance the instantaneous and interaction of party members' education. In the quarterly theme ", the theme activities of re -walking the Red Army, holding red speeches, holding knowledge competitions, and party members' education and training courses were carried out to ensure that the form of learning and education is flexible and diverse.

"Micro -position" aggregation, party members' education "promotes popularity". Vigorously carry out the "Party Construction and Listing" series, innovate the introduction of the concept of "standardization+", and create five party building rooms for standardized branches to achieve venues, logo signs, and wall content, and make every effort to create an atmosphere of party building. Relying on the "Internet+" Party affairs intelligent platform, we can establish the party's organization on the Internet, work to the Internet, and create a comprehensive and fully covered party building network position; Birthdays and other activities, real -time drying branches organize life, and consolidate party members tightly together to effectively enhance the enthusiasm and initiative of the party members and police officers to participate in the party's life.

"Micro -models" promoted leadership, and party members educated "trees righteousness". Pay attention to strengthening examples, vigorously promote public security and English models, actively choose advanced party members who have emerged in the first line of tree grassroots, security and stability, and the first line of the epidemic prevention and control. Women's police "selection activities; relying on the power of the new media matrix of the public security, push the 8 -phase police story and the cumulative reading volume of more than 50,000 times, fully demonstrate the grass -roots party members and police officers. A wave of advanced benchmarks and advanced learning.

"Micro -management" strictly controls, and party members are educating "positive atmosphere". Strictly develop party members' entry levels, and regularly organize business training for development of party members to ensure that the development of party members is clear, archives, controlled quality, and responsibility can be checked, and the transparency of the development of party members and the "gold content" of party members. Combined with the public security warning education, more than 80 people with full coverage, more than 80 people, and more than 20 people's visit to the integrity of the public security talks, targeted conversation activities, and strictly grasped the gates of party members management, changed the work style of party members, and improved the quality of party members.

"Micro -service" warms people's hearts, and party members are educated "to take Qi". We will conscientiously implement the "three new" activities of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, deepen the construction of service -oriented party organizations, and allow party members to receive education in service practice. Adopt the way to set up a party member volunteer pioneer team and set up party members' volunteer pioneers, and combine activities such as "I do practical things for the masses" and "On -the -job party members to report to the community" and other activities to carry out personalized and professional volunteer services, and implement the service to the people to implement the implementation of the people. Essence Since the beginning of this year, there are 6 issues of "urgency and sorrow", 35 practical things for the masses, and 876 online items, further enhance the feelings of party members to serve the people, and establish a good image of Subei Public Security. (Subei County Public Security Bureau)

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