Beijing: In 7 days, there are 1 cases of or more local infected people who are located in the county (city, district, flag), who are in the history of residents who are strictly restricted to return to Beijing

Author:Beijing released Time:2022.08.07

On the afternoon of August 7, the Beijing Municipal Government News Office organized the 384th press conference of the Beijing New Crown Pneumonia Epidemium. Xu Hejian, deputy minister of the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Director of the Municipal Government News Office, and spokesman for the municipal government. Relevant persons in charge of Shijingshan District and Municipal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention attended the latest epidemic situation to introduce the situation related to the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Xu Hejian, deputy minister of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Director of the Municipal Government News Office, and spokesman for municipal governments to report the prevention and control of the epidemic:

In the past month, Beijing has been intermittently sporadic, and has entered the confirmed cases after entering Beijing or Beijing's associated input. Although it is a sporadic case, it is quickly controlled, but we warn us. At present, it is the summer, and the liquidity of the personnel is large, and the overseas epidemic continues to spread. The domestic epidemic is emitted in many places. We must always adhere to the overall strategy of "external prevention input and internal prevention and rebound", adhere to the "dynamic clearing zero", seriously implement the ninth edition prevention and control plan, and compress the "Quartet responsibility". Citizen friends must continue to do self -protection , Co -consolidate the results of the hard -won epidemic prevention and control.

Strictly preventing overseas input and Beijing input is the focus of prevention and control of the current capital epidemic. Strictly enter Beijing Epidemic Prevention Management, and do a good job in entering the country to enter Beijing. Within 7 days, there were 1 cases of or more native new crown virus infected from the county (city, district, and flag), and strictly restricted entering and returning to Beijing. Airports, stations and other transportation hubs, hotels, units, etc. to strengthen investigation and control, and find that risk personnel should report to the community (village) and other relevant departments in a timely manner, and cooperate with the implementation of control measures. Summer personnel flow is large and the risk of epidemic dissemination is high. Please pay attention to the local epidemic prevention policy before traveling to the general public, insist on traveling or traveling on a high -risk area and reporting to the confirmed cases of diagnosis cases. Pay attention to health protection during the process of washing and disinfectant and other protection materials, journey and dining. After returning to Beijing, nucleic acid testing and community reporting are strictly followed by regulations, and the health status of yourself and his family is closely paying. Personnel, cooperate with corresponding control measures.

Continuously doing a good job of personal protection, conscious observance and implementation of epidemic prevention is a strong guarantee for building the capital prevention barrier. Epidemic prevention rely on everyone, and everyone needs to consciously implement and abide by epidemic prevention regulations. Continue to strengthen normalized screening, and enter various public places to check health treasures and 72 -hour kernel acid test negative proof. It is reminded that friends of the general public should conduct nucleic acid testing in accordance with regulations, and strictly implement epidemic prevention measures such as codes and temperature measurement. The weather continues to be high temperature. Please ask the general public and the front -line epidemic prevention personnel to do their own protection, and pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling.

Beijing New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Press Conference Broadcast Channel:

Webcasting Platform: Beijing released by Beijing Municipal People's Government News Office (Weibo Kuaishou Douyin Account),, Window of the Capital, Beijing Daily Client, Beijing Youth Daily Beijing Headline Client, Beijing Youth Daily Beijing Toutiao Client, Beijing Youth Daily Listen to the FM client, Beijing time, People's Daily Beijing Channel, People's Video Client, Xinhua News Agency client, video special line, Xinhuanet Beijing Channel, CCTV News client, CCTV Finance Client, China Daily official Weibo client, official Weibo client, China Daily Chinese network

Broadcasting platform: Beijing Radio and Television Taiwan Beijing Traffic Broadcasting, Beijing News Broadcasting Mailing Play Live

TV platform: Beijing TV Station News Channel live broadcast live broadcast

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