Hong Kong and Macau Technology+Shenzhen Innovation+Shunde Zhicheng!Youth of the Greater Bay Area "Guangdong" came to "Guangdong" Shunshun

Author:Foshan Daily Time:2022.08.07

On August 5, the Office of the Leading Group of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area Construction and the Division of the Shunde District Committee of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, and the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area and Chuangshu (hereinafter referred to as "Hechuang Space, which is called" Hechuang Space, hosted by Shunde District ") The opening ceremony was successfully held.

Gu Nan, deputy minister of the United Front Work Department of the Foshan Municipal Party Committee, Yu Qiusheng, deputy director of the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Office of the Foshan Municipal Party Committee, Zhang Fan, deputy head of Shunde District, Huang Wei, the head of the Dagao Department of Foshan Dawan District Office, and Qiu Guosheng, executive deputy director of the Dawan District Office of Shunde District Wu Wei, the chairman of the Returning Overseas Chinese Federation of Shunde District, Wu Wei, Director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau, Wu Jiaying, deputy director of the Shunde District Commission of the Communist Party of China, and Yang Yansheng, deputy director of the Shunde District Science and Technology Bureau, witnessed and opened and opened operations.

Empower the carrier to help the youth of the Greater Bay Area realize double dreams

At the beginning of the event, the leaders of the leaders visited Hechuang Space. On the large screen on the scene, the blessing videos from outstanding entrepreneurs from all over the world expressed the eager expectations of the Hechuang space and the Greater Bay Area Qingchuang. Subsequently, under the witness of a group of leaders and guests, the event was held in important links such as opening, ribbon -cutting ceremony, lion dance performance, and cooperation signing. At the same time, Professor Zun Yuhui, an associate professor of the Department of Management of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Director of the Entrepreneurship Research Center, and Director of the Family Enterprise Research Center, the theme of the "post -epidemic era -new features of innovation and entrepreneurship development" as the theme, which is the theme of the youth of entrepreneurship. Analyze the innovation and entrepreneurship situation and new opportunities after the epidemic.

Unveiling ceremony.

Ye Yunqi, director of the Shunde Innovation and Entrepreneurship Public Welfare Foundation and Secretary-General, introduced that the 15-17 floors of the Gorgeous Technology Building was co-built by the Greater Bay District Office of Shunde District and the Shunde District Innovation and Entrepreneurship Public Welfare Foundation. +Shenzhen Innovation+Shunde Zhizhi "three -in -one public welfare dual innovation incubation, science and technology acceleration, and industrial park coordinated development platform.

和创空间配备3800平方米的商业办公空间,可以提供520个工位、40个独立办公室,拥有企业形象展示、多功能厅、和创游廊、共享创作空间、产品发布路演大厅、企业服务前台、 Six functional spaces such as music coffee meal bar, its flexible joint office model can meet the development needs of 1-30 people's first creation teams. At present, Hutchison Space has settled in 7 companies, and 30 projects are interested in setting up, covering high -tech, cultural creativity, Internet information technology and other fields.

"The most attractive point of Hechuang Space is his intensiveization. The supporting upstream and downstream industrial chains and related startups can help us better cooperate. At the same time Convenient transportation and information advantages are more conducive to understanding domestic and foreign market demand. After discussion after the company, it is unanimously decided to set up the project department here. "Liang Junhui, the project manager of the" Huanbao Frog "Innovation Company of Little Frog, Choose and create space for project layout to meet the needs of their company's development.

Sign in the company.

"I look forward to entering the Hechuang space in the future, getting the Shunde Double Innovation Foundation, and strengthening the linkage cooperation with the government, communities and enterprises." Zhang Haoran expressed his intention to settle in space.

In order to reduce the entrepreneurial costs and risks of start -ups, promote the rapid growth of enterprises, and have public welfare support plans to create space in Hechuang Space. The four public welfare support of groups, Hechuang Elys Loan, and Hechuang Contest.

Vitality bursts out, forming an innovative and entrepreneurial ecology "strong magnetic field"

On the same day, Hechuang Space also held an open day event, including entrepreneurial sharing, round table forums, entrepreneurial market sets and entrepreneurial live broadcasts, which attracted more than 70 young entrepreneurs to participate. At the same time, in order to inspire young people to actively practice science and technology empowerment, Shunde Innovation and Entrepreneurship Foundation officially released the 2022 "Science and Technology" funding plan for 2022, and a single project can receive up to 300,000 yuan in development support.

Next, Hechuang Space plans to hold over 70 public welfare community activities each year, and jointly build an innovation cooperation center with the Chinese University of Hong Kong, KPMG (KPMG), to carry out entrepreneurial courses, consultation consultations, special salons, investment and financing, investment and financing A variety of types of activities such as docking, by creating vibrant and thoughtful youth communities, helping young entrepreneurs can better develop in Shunde.

Sign in the company.

As a key project of Foshan Shunde, Guangdong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Australia, and the coordinated development cooperation zone, and the founding space will effectively connect the resources of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and use the superimposed advantages of Shenzhen -Hong Kong -Macao scientific research and Shunde manufacturing industry to promote the circulation and sharing of resources in Hong Kong and Macao's innovation and entrepreneurship. Create a good innovation and entrepreneurial incubation ecology, form a "strong magnetic field" in Hong Kong and Macao Youth Double Innovation, and promote the cooperative development of the industrial innovation of Shunde District and the double innovation of Hong Kong and Macao youths.

The 13th Party Congress report of Guangdong Province pointed out that it is necessary to promote the deep integration and development of the industry, and combine the advantages of Hong Kong and Macao's modern finance and professional services with the advantages of Guangdong's manufacturing and huge markets to comprehensively enhance the competitiveness of the Bay Area industry. In recent years, in order to seize the construction of major historical opportunities in the construction of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area and the high -quality development demonstration zone, Shunde District actively establishes a service platform for innovation and entrepreneurship, exchanges and mutual promotion for young and Hong Kong, Macao youths, The Hong Kong and Macao Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship System will promote in -depth cooperation in various fields in Shenzhen and Macao in all aspects, and attract more Hong Kong and Macao youths to innovate entrepreneurship and live in Shunde.

"Hechuang Space is another project in Shunde, Guangdong, Hong Kong, Australia, and Australia, which marks the opening of a new situation in the innovation and entrepreneurship cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao." Zhang Fan, deputy head of Shunde District, said that he hopes to firmly grasp the Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao,Major historical opportunities in the Bay Area, do the same, help more youths solve practical difficulties in academic, employment, entrepreneurship, and home business; take advantage of the trend, learn from the internationalization experience of Hong Kong and Macau's innovation and entrepreneurship, establish and improve a new system of innovation and entrepreneurship;Strong, create a comprehensive linked carrier, and inject new impetus into the stable economic development.

Text, Picture | Foshan Daily reporter Qin Zhengpeng Correspondent Cai Yingshi

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