Grasp the typical practice!In -depth volunteer services in the South China Sea to promote the creation of a national civilized city

Author:Foshan Daily Time:2022.08.07

Foshan Daily News reporter Zhou Chuanyong Correspondent Xu Xuehua reported: On August 5, the South China Sea held a promotion meeting to deepen the national civilized city creation of volunteer service, mobilizing all units to implement the "South China Sea deepening the national civilized city creation '10 +2 'tackling operation" The special operations of volunteer services in China allow volunteer services to empower the civilized city. On August 6, Gu Yaohui, Secretary of the South China Sea District Committee, led a team to various traffic sides to carry out volunteer services, and went to the Nanhai Cultural Park to supervise the creation of civilized cities across the country to promote the creation of a national civilized city with the greatest efforts.

Gu Yaohui understands volunteer services and traffic law enforcement from the staff.

The staff pointed the way for the citizens.

On the morning of the same day, the volunteer service team first came to the crossroads intersection of Nanhai Avenue and Nanui East Road to assist traffic police to maintain the order of traffic on site and send civilized traffic promotional materials. "Is there a lot of behaviors that do not wear helmets on electric vehicles? How about road traffic?" At the scene, Gu Yaohui assisted in maintaining traffic order, while understanding volunteer services, traffic law enforcement, etc., and thanking them to express his gratitude and condolences.

Bicycles were not standardized, and volunteers moved back to the designated parking space.

Subsequently, the volunteer service team walked to the South China Sea Cultural Park. On the way, when I saw irregularly placed by bicycles and electric vehicles, volunteers worked together to move the vehicle to the parking space, and recorded unreasonable places in some parking areas, and will be further rectified.

"Is the surrounding environment better? Do you know that Nanhai is currently promoting the creation of a national civilized city?" Before the South China Sea Cultural Park, Gu Yaohui communicated in depth with citizens who were participating in volunteer service activities. "We must support the creation of a national civilized city, and hope that our city is getting better and better." At the event, Mr. Xiao, the citizen, instructed his daughter to complete the "Creation of the National Civilized City Survey questionnaire". He said that his daughter has been in the second grade, and the school teachers will also tell her about the creation of a civilized city. Sometimes the daughter will share the content they have learned with him. The environment is to support the construction of a civilized city.

At the event site, the reporter saw that many parents used their rest time to take their children to participate in voluntary service activities. Volunteer V Station of the South China Sea Cultural Park used waste newspapers to make garbage bags, allowing parents and children In the middle, tell the children about garbage classification knowledge.

Gu Yaohui and citizens who are filling in the "Creating Questions about Creation of the National Civilized City".

"This form of volunteer services through parent -child education, waste use, etc. It is worth promoting." Gu Yaohui said that the next line must be aimed at the grassroots level, deeply penetrate the line, tap a group of volunteer services, let them share volunteer service experience, promote the promotion Good methods and forms make everyone a volunteer and form a good social atmosphere. This is also the starting point and end point of social governance. In addition, you can also explore the establishment of a social governance research association to integrate the strength of all parties. You cannot just stay at the level of government call and departmental supervision. It is necessary to let the people go to self -management and let social governance truly achieve the effects of common management.

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