"Running · Juvenile" 2022 Jilin Province Youth Street Dance Skills Exhibition Activities Start

Author:Jilin Daily Time:2022.08.08

On August 7th, hosted by the Jilin Provincial Sports Bureau and Jilin Provincial Department of Education, organized by Jilin Provincial Social Sports Management Center, the "Running Boys · Juvenile" of Jilin Provincial Street Dance Association in 2022 Jilin Provincial Youth Street Dance Skills Exhibition Asia gathered.

A total of more than 350 athletes participated in the skill display activities in this event, showing the youthful vitality of contemporary teenagers through enthusiastic hip -hop form. The event opened in the passionate hip -hop performance, with different styles of hip -hop dance and trendy dress, flexible movements, neat dance steps and skilled skills to fully show the charm of hip -hop, to the audience In the grand visual feast, applause and applause of the audience are constantly applauding.

In recent years, street dance has been increasing as a trendy sports on society, and has a good mass foundation in Jilin Province. This skill display activity fully considers the development status of the Jilin Provincial Street Dance Project, which not only effectively promotes the development of socio -economic development, but also promotes the vigorous development of national fitness activities. Excellent talents in Jilin Provincial Street Dance have made positive contributions to the establishment of the next professional team and preparing for the National Games Olympic Games.

Author: Jilin Daily All Media Reporter Zhang Kuan

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