State Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinical Medicine Research Center Shandong Branch Center settled in Qingda Affiliated Hospital

Author:Qingdao Evening News Time:2022.08.08

On August 6, the establishment ceremony of the Shandong Branch Center of the National Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinical Medicine Research Center was held at the Qingda Academy. It is reported that the State Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinical Medicine Research Center was led by the Chinese Academy of Engineering's Academician Martin team. The Shandong Branch of the Shandong Provincial Branch in Shandong Province is the only branch center in Shandong Province. It marks that the construction of the obstetrics and gynecology disciplines of the Qingda Academy has integrated into the national center innovation network system and entered the ranks of the "national team".

On the same day, Martin, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Li Xiaoshi, Secretary -General of the Chinese Medical Promotional Association Maternal and Children's Health Care Branch, Secretary -General of the Beijing Kanghua Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Development Foundation, Chen Gang, executive deputy director of the Tongji Hospital of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University The Centers for Clinical Medicine Research at the Diseases Center attended the unveiling ceremony of the sub -center. In his speech, President Xia Dongwei of Qingdao University emphasized that the establishment of the Shandong Branch of the National Obstetrics and Gynecological Diseases Clinical Medicine Research Center provides a broader space for the development of obstetrics and gynecological diseases related disciplines of the Affiliated Hospital. History is a milestone. Qingdao University will rely on the advantages of comprehensive school running to fully support the construction of sub -centers, and strive to build the Shandong Branch Center into a model project for cooperation in the field of medical science and technology innovation. New and greater contributions. At the ceremony, the representatives of the two parties jointly unveiled and signed a strategic cooperation agreement for the Shandong Branch of the National Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinical Medicine Research Center. At the same time, the Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University hired Academician Martin as the chief medical expert and issued a letter of appointment to Academician Martin. Academician Martin said that the establishment of the Shandong Branch Center was an important part of the establishment of the diagnosis and treatment of obstetrics and gynecology diseases and clinical research to the innovation network of gynecology and gynecology diseases across the country. The National Maternal and Gynecological Disease Clinical Medicine Research Center takes service clinical research and accelerate clinical transformation as a key goal. I hope that with the strong support of the national center, the Shandong Branch will make good use of their rich clinical resources and excellent expert teams to actively expand the connotation of cooperation between the two parties. Together with the leading role of radiation and promote the continuous progress of the country's obstetrics and gynecology medicine.

The National Clinical Medicine Research Center is an important platform for promoting the development of medical science and technology in my country and accelerating the clinical transformation and popularization of medical scientific and technological achievements. The successful settlement of the Shandong Branch of the State Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinical Medical Research Center will effectively promote the high grafting of the Qingda Academic Hospital and the domestic international medical institution, and promote the output of excellent scientific research achievements, advanced technology promotion, and transformation of medical achievements into the "fast lane ", Drive the cooperative development of medical and research in the province's obstetrics and gynecology, and make greater contributions to benefiting from the health of women and children in Shandong. Guanhai News/Qingdao Evening News reporter Yu Bo

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