Qixia City comprehensively strengthen the construction of dual prevention mechanisms for mining enterprises

Author:Qixia Municipal Party Committe Time:2022.08.08

In order to realize the self -discipline and self -examination and autonomy of the safety risk of the enterprise, the hidden dangers, the implementation of the main responsibility of the enterprise, and the improvement of accident prevention and control. Promote the scientificization, informatization, and standardization of accident prevention work, and realize the control of risks before the formation of hidden dangers and eliminate hidden dangers in front of the accident. According to local reality, the Qixia Emergency Bureau has comprehensively strengthened the construction of the dual prevention mechanism of mining enterprises.

Plan in advance and organize it carefully. "Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste". The Qixia Emergency Bureau invited provincial experts to give lectures on mining enterprises to tell the benefits and precautions of dual prevention mechanisms, and organized and discussed many times to study and deploy the construction of dual prevention mechanisms.

Formulate the plan and make every effort. After conducting preliminary investigations and drawing on the experience of double prevention mechanism construction in other places, the Qixia Emergency Bureau asked mining enterprises to strictly follow the five main points of the construction of dual prevention mechanisms, that is, comprehensively carry out safety risk recognition, scientific evaluation of safety risks, effective management and control safety risks, and safety risks, and safety risks, and safety risks. Implement the safety risk announcement warning, improve the system of hidden danger investigation and governance, and make every effort to promote the construction of dual prevention mechanisms.

Based on reality, grasp the node. Specific analysis of specific issues, combined with the different characteristics of each enterprise, classified guidance to ensure the organic combination of risk hierarchical control and hidden danger inspection and management, and the implementation of risk management and control measures to prevent hidden dangers from occurring, and promote the implementation of risk control measures with hidden dangers. At the same time, in accordance with the requirements of the completion time limit, refine work measures to ensure the completion of the construction tasks of dual prevention mechanisms by the end of 2022.

In the next step, the Qixia Emergency Bureau will follow "high attention, strengthen leadership; refine deployment and implement responsibilities; organically combine to ensure safety" work requirements, according to the actual situation of the enterprise, strictly observe the time node Work. (Correspondent: Yi Yan Li Yinglun)

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