The 750,000 junior first girls in Guangdong will take free HPV after the start of this year

Author:Golden sheep net Time:2022.06.17

After the start of school in September this year, "taste the head soup", 21 prefectures and cities have completed the signing of the procurement contract

New Express News reporter Li Qiuling reported that in September this fall in September, the first grade girls in junior high school in Guangdong Province can successfully vaccinate HPV binary vaccines for free ... The Guangdong Provincial Health and Health Commission revealed that at the present, 21 cities and cities in the province have already followed the government in accordance with the government. The procurement specification procedure is signed with the procurement contract with the winning vaccine supplier. Provincial finances were newly increased by about 600 million yuan from 2022-2024 for HPV vaccine for free vaccination. At present, the vaccine is transported to the disease control center across the province in an orderly manner.

Cervical cancer is currently the only cancer that can be prevented

Cervical cancer is the main "killer" that threatens women's health in the world. It is currently the only cancer that is clear and anti -controllable at present. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggested that conditions with conditions have introduced HPV preventive vaccines for conventional vaccination and preventing cervical cancer. The early period of women's youth is 9-14 years old.

"In our country, about 98%of cervical cancer is caused by high -risk HPV (human papilloma virus) infection. At present, the HPV vaccination rate of the youth population is less than 3%, and the vaccination rate of the whole population is less than 6%." Guangdong Province Prevention Medicine Li Xiaomao, chairman of the Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Specialist Committee and director of the obstetrics and gynecology department of the third hospital affiliated to Sun Yat -sen University.

600 million new funds in Guangdong to ensure free vaccine vaccination

New Express reporter learned that as one of the top ten people's livelihood, Guangdong has since 2022, a girl under the age of 14 with a student status in Guangdong Province and has entered the first day and has not been vaccinated by HPV vaccines. Principles are carried out for free. The project has been included in the development plan of women and children in Guangdong Province, the "14th Five -Year Plan" of Health and Health, and one of the ten people's livelihood practices in 2022. From 2022 to 2024, the new funds of provincial fiscal -level financial funds were about 600 million yuan to ensure the project development.

Guangdong proposed that it will gradually achieve the entire process of HPV preventive vaccines under the age of 15 years of 90%of the 90%. This is also the goal of WHO in "Accelerating the Elimination of Cervical Cancer Global Strategy".

21 prefectures and cities have completed the signing of procurement contracts

Guangdong is the first province in the country to carry out free HPV vaccination in the province. It is expected that the beneficiary people will exceed 750,000 each year. The Guangdong Provincial Commission of Health and Health revealed that at the present, 21 prefectures and cities in the province have introduced municipal implementation plans and incorporated into municipal livelihood projects. 21 cities and cities in the province have completed procurement demand demonstrations, procurement plan declarations, filing and other procedures in accordance with relevant regulations of the local government procurement, and have signed the procurement contract with the winning vaccine supplier.

In the next step, the Provincial Health Commission will urge cities to perform in accordance with the contract and determine a fixed -point vaccination agency to be fully prepared for the vaccination work after the start of school in September.

The reporter learned that the project used the vaccine as a domestic dual -price HPV vaccine and vaccinated two stitches. According to disease control experts, more than 80%of cervical cancer is caused by the two high -risk types of HPV 16 and 18. Inoculation of dual -price HPV vaccines can effectively prevent these two high -risk types caused by cervical cancer.

At present, the vaccine is transported to the disease control center across the province in an orderly manner.

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