Tengzhou was selected as 2021 Shandong Province Industrial Strong County

Author:Zaozhuang Daily Time:2022.06.17

(Zaozhuang Daily All -Media Reporter Li Ming Correspondent Sweet)

On May 27, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Finance Department issued the "Notice" to announce the list of industrial strong counties in Shandong Province in 2021. The Tengzhou City List was famous and was named one of the ten industrial -strong counties in Shandong Province in 2021.

Since last year, in the face of the complex and changeable macroeconomic situation and unfavorable factors of industrial development, Tengzhou has focused on the conversion and high -quality development of industrial new and old kinetic energy, accurate actions, effective response, pro -clearing services, and comprehensively promoting the "strong industrial city city , Industry Xingshi "Three years of tackling breakthroughs, actively constructing the" 633 "modern industrial system, the construction of industrial projects, the development of industrial enterprises, the development of industrial enterprises, and the continuous enhancement of industrial stamina. In 2021, the city's regulations increased by 16.5%year -on -year, ranking first in the fifth district of Zaozhuang; Essence

The city vigorously implemented the "strong chain, chain, and chain supplement" project, consolidated special classes, compiled and improved the industrial chain charts and investment promotion route maps, strengthened cooperation with the world's top 500, central enterprises, provincial enterprises, and industry leaders to strengthen pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro -pro. Clear services, consolidate the guarantee of factors, solidly promote the "three improvements" of the business environment, actively do good funds, land, talent, epidemic prevention and control supplies, etc., and make every effort to help enterprises solve the problems encountered in development. High -quality development of industrial economy.

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