"Art on the Fingertips" Yantai paper -cutting: "Between Fangch" contains the big world

Author:Jiaodong Online Time:2022.06.17

Jiaodong Online June 17 (Reporter Tang Meng) "The cultural life when he was a child was very simple, not as many entertainment as much as now. Paper -cutting is the regional characteristics of our Jiaodong area. In winter, there are generally no farm work in the countryside. When I put on paper -cutting, I often watched the crickets when I was a kid. In fact, I initially attracted me with paper -cut flowers and green patterns. Later, I quarreled to let me tell me the story behind the paper -cutting. I always told me very patiently. I was very fascinated at the time, fascinated by the beautiful meaning and profound stories of the paper -cutting. Later, slowly, I was learning to cut it. This was thirty years ... "Liang Qiaoyan said without any nostalgia.

Liang Qiaoyan was born in a family of paper -cutting. Both his mother and mother were well -known paper -cutting players. She had been dazed since she was a child. She started to pinch the mud and painted windows from the age of 5. The simple and primitive art form, this is also the beginning of my way to put on the art of paper -cutting. "

When she grew up, she did not give up her insistence, visited famous domestic and foreign masters, followed the paper -cutting master Zhu Manhua as an assistant, etc. During this period, she also learned that there are more forms of the topic of Jiaodong Window. "Paper -cutting is a silent language. It also contains people's rich thoughts and emotions. Seeing the inheritance and persistence of the older predecessors, and their attitude towards paper -cutting, it has also made me firmly inherit the culture of paper -cutting. In recent years Designer Li Chunguang devoted himself to learning art. After the reference of a variety of art categories, it greatly enriched my experience in paper -cut innovation in the later period. "Liang Qiaoyan said.

Liang Qiaoyan: Use paper -cutting to tell the story around him to promote truth, goodness and beauty

"Yantai paper -cutting has a very long history. It was widespread in the Ming Dynasty. The style of paper -cutting tends to pass on instead of writing, not more freely, not realistic. In the relationship, an exaggerated, decorative, and even abstract artistic techniques express their beauty ... "Liang Qiaoyan introduced to the students who came to visit.

Liang Qiaoyan believes that the eternal stories are strong. His mission is to pass the true, good and beauty through paper -cutting. "I have the longest and most meaningful work is the creation of Jiaodong Red Culture. I followed the experts and restored this very ups and downs of our Jiaodong red culture and revolutionary salary. There are hundreds of aspects that expressed the famous heroes and theme stories of our Jiaodong area through the form of paper -cutting art, so that everyone around us can understand that it is not easy for our happy life today. These heroes who come to a better life. "Liang Qiaoyan said.

"Paper -cutting is actually a very easy -to -accept carrier. For example, we often have only text materials, and there are no complete photos to record history. At this time, we can reflect and record it through the expression of paper -cutting. Compared with text, although the expression of paper -cutting is not detailed enough, it is more intuitive, and it is also a romantic artistic creation. "Liang Qiaoyan said seriously," For example, hero Yang Zirong, when we create his image, we designed him to design him. The body is as vast as the mountains, not only because of our strong body, but also because his heroic deeds make him extremely tall, so we use this exaggerated method to shape the character of the characters. In the grasp of details, we should pay more attention to some character backgrounds, so that such works can be more impressive. "

"One person's understanding of one thing directly expresses his work directly. Through a work, you can infer the author's understanding of this matter. At the same time, you can also see the author's living environment, regional characteristics, and author’s age of the author. Size and knowledge reserves, etc. Therefore, each creator has traces of every creator, and each era also has the unique traces of each era. You can see it, we should integrate them. "Liang Qiaoyan said," Therefore, our literary creators must be loyal recorders, record this era, tell the story around What stories happened. "

Innovation in inheritance: Inserting creative wings to traditional paper -cutting

"Paper -cutting should be combined with modern applications, which not only inherit the traditional intangible cultural heritage, but also serve life, so that the vitality can last long." Liang Qiaoyan said, "Because I learned art design and sculpture Fusion of multiple art categories, finally through its own form of expression, and conduct some applications of the new era based on the inheritance of the older generation. On this basis, fully combine with modern creative fashion to meet people's growing culture Demand, I think this is the biggest trend. "

In recent years, Liang Qiaoyan has conducted many useful attempts and explorations in innovation. She cleverly made her paper -cutting works into some exquisite derivatives, including porcelain, fabric, lighting, decoration, sculpture, daily necessities, and office supplies. Based on the spirit of craftsmanship and traditional skills, the paper -cutting skills are bold, making paper -cutting more suitable for young people's aesthetics and better serving modern life. This measure inserted creative wings to traditional paper -cutting, innovating in inheritance, and also rejuvenating the paper -cut industry.

Under Liang Qiaoyan's skill, traditional paper -cutting has also been combined with modern online games. According to reports, a batch of window flowers based on the "Welcome Spring Version" of the Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu Nian Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu Niu's Batch of Window Flowers based on the characters of various schools came from her hands. At the same time, on the eve of the Spring Festival in 2022, CCTV produced the "Tiger Tiger Window" as the main element "Tiger Tiger" Spring Festival animation short film was broadcast on various CCTV channels. Among them, the "Yinhu Window Flower" was also Liang Qiaoyan's masterpiece. The good news came frequently. According to reports, in May 2022, the digital agency entrusted by Alibaba Cloud Computing Computing Company to the first issue of the first phase of the contract with Jiaodong paper -cutting. More than 50 original paper -cut and 8 series of works will be used for non -heritage digital development Before 2023, it will achieve non -heritage digital limited sales for multimedia interactions such as film and television. At present, the first -stage digital IP of the cooperative company has been completed. It is expected to be released nationwide by the end of 2022. "I think we cannot refuse new things. With the development of the times, people are more and more like to collect some digital products, so we combine traditional paper -cutting with digitalization, grafting and application of multiple art categories, expanded, and expanded it. The carrier of the communication application allows everyone to see the beauty of this hollow art of paper -cutting. "Liang Qiaoyan said happily.

Literature and art sounded the horn: leading people to a wider future

Liang Qiaoyan believes that every paper -cutting work must have a literary theme thought. She said: "Our paper -cutting may only be used to beautify the home and resist the cold, but with the development of the times, our paper -cutting has been overwhelming. The change, it is no longer just a tool or a tool to resist the cold. It is more often carried by the people's beauty and is the carrier of the spirit of the times. "

"The country encourages our traditional art to give priority to modern expressions. Acura people, sing heroes, sing the present, and apply it to our real life. Therefore, in addition to the works that reflect history, we also have a strong documentary work, such as our wealth Anti -epidemic works reflect the current theme works. "Liang Qiaoyan introduced.

"Today, the country has continuously promoted the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional culture, and provided strong support and guarantee for our creation. Our paper -cutting, after generations of people's efforts, we have today. It should also cherish the current era. The inheritance of paper -cutting skills is a cultural heritage, a spiritual inheritance, and also our ideological heritage as a craftsman. In the future, as a literary creator, I will use myself to use myself myself The scissors in my hand continue to tell cultural stories, and the paper -cut art of Yantai is carried forward. "Liang Qiaoyan told reporters.

"I think the power of our literature and art is to sound the horn of moving forward, inspire people's hearts, and lead each of us to a better and wider future. This is also the mission of each literary worker." Liang Qiaoyan said firmly.

At the beginning of June this year, the "Shandong Hand -made · Yantai Gift" was officially launched in 2022 "Yantai Hand -made" Innovation and Creative Competition. It solicited "Yantai Hand -made" products with independent intellectual property rights, iconic and representative for the whole society. The competition was hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Yantai Municipal Party Committee, the Yantai Cultural and Tourism Bureau, and the Yantai Radio and Television Station. This activity aims to promote the innovation and development of the "Yantai hand -made" industry, stimulate the creative enthusiasm of industry entities and practitioners, and promote the integration of hand -made products such as non -heritage, cultural and creative products, tourism products, etc. Development, sincerely welcome the hand -made people of Quanyan to sign up!

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