Zhixi District, Yantai City: Establishing a popular science exchange platform for innovation artificial intelligence education

Author:See Zhizhi Time:2022.08.08

Recently, the 6th National Youth Drone Competition Yantai area selection trial kicked off in Zhizhen District. The holding of the contest is of great significance to improving the scientific quality of young people, the seeds of sowing science, and the establishment of aviation to the country. Through the competition, drones can be fully promoted in Yantai City, and have cultivated more excellent technological reserve talents for Shandong Province, and made greater contributions to the construction of a strong air country. This competition is hosted by the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Sports Bureau, guided by the Municipal Science and Technology Association, hosted by the Municipal Workers' Culture Palace, the Chinese People's Liberation Army Naval Aviation University, the China Aviation Society's carrier -based aircraft branches, the Zhixuan District Science and Technology Association, Fushan Fushan Fushan District Science and Technology Association, Zhaoyuan Education and Sports Bureau, Fushan District Aviation Sports Association, Yantai Development Zone Zhicheng Tong Tong Zhen Education Training School Co., Ltd., Shandong Huiheng Yun Smart Technology Co., Ltd. Co -organized by the Village Robot Programming Center, more than 300 players from various cities and districts in Yantai participated in the event.

This competition integrates science, innovation, and practicality. It aims to provide young people with a stage for learning knowledge skills, showing innovation and practical ability, and providing good development opportunities for young people's science and technology education and aviation science popularization. The competition set up a primary school group, junior high school group and high school group. The competition items include personal flight games, group relay competitions, personal air shooting competitions, bee colony dance programming competitions, crowded strike competitions, simulated flight emergency surrender challenges, logistics handling competitions A total of 8 projects in the air fighting match.

The National Youth Drone Competition is an aviation science popular science brand competition hosted by the Chinese Aviation Society for primary and secondary school students, popularization of aviation and drone knowledge, exploring and discovery and cultivating young science and technology innovation talents. Since its establishment in 2017, the competition has been successfully held for five consecutive years, becoming the most authoritative, professional, fair and influential national competition in the field of young people in my country. This competition brings together outstanding experts, scholars, and teachers in the field of drone education in the country, and aims to build a platform for youth science popularization to contribute to the development of the city's youth aviation education. This competition creates a stage for teenagers in the district and even the city to learn and display the level, evoke the enthusiasm of teenagers to love science and advocate science, inspire young people to fight for national revitalization, for human progress, and fight for the new peak of science. This time, this time, this time, this time, this time, this time The competition has become a powerful engine to lead the majority of young people to advocate innovation and love science.

Since the beginning of this year, through the expansion of the establishment of an activity platform to strengthen young people's scientific and technological education, combined with the interests of young people, the establishment of "programming tribe", "control of me", "drone", "assembly and construction", etc. Interest and enthusiasm for artificial intelligence education. At the same time, we will take the deepening of artificial intelligence science and technology education as the starting point, actively explore science popularization to help the new model of "dual reduction", promote the deep integration of young science and technology education and basic education, and effectively promote the implementation of the "double reduction" policy.

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