Sancha Town, Zhangxian County, Gansu: Five steps sounded rural rejuvenation songs

Author:Zhangxian Rong Media Time:2022.08.08

In the midsummer season, walk into Sancha Town, Zhangxian County, Gansu. Black fungus, vegetables, and Chinese medicinal materials are full of vitality, the farmhouses are beautiful and beautiful, the lane lanes are clean and tidy, and the people's faces are full of smiles ... A vivid picture of rural beauty and industry is slow. Expand.

In recent years, Sancha Town has implemented the strategy of rural revitalization, vigorously developed the green ecological economy, strived to do a good job of industry -enriched the people in the industry, and worked hard to compose a beautiful rural revitalization song.

Party building leads a new journey. "I look at all the changes in our town. The road has become wider, the hygiene is clean, the environment is beautiful, and the masses are wealthy ..." Talking about the changes in Sancha Town in recent years, Yang Qiufang, a villager in Sancha Village, The endless, these changes are due to the full play of the leading role of party building.

Relying on the construction of the party committee of the area, the resource advantages of the area are concentrated, and the development of black fungus, Chinese medicinal materials, and plateau summer vegetables in the area will form a scale effect and integrated development. Carry out the establishment of party building brands, rely on agricultural industrial parks, build party building brand development brands in 12 villages in the town, "one village, one strategy, one village and one product" and "blooming" result, creating the party building of Washegou Village to lead the people of Chinese medicinal materials to the people , Yantong Village Ecological Tourism, the breeding industry has led to a group of high -quality party building brands such as the masses to become rich, Henan Pojun Village to move the customs and customs, and achieved good results.

Industry becomes chain. Focusing on the development of characteristic industries, the more the edible bacteria greenhouses are built, and the more popular in the Shennong Valley Rural Tourism Cooperatives of Yantong. People in the villagers have begun to "work on class" at their doorsteps. The people in the village enjoyed the "dividend". "I work in Shenlong Valley, and my salary reaches more than 3,000 yuan in January. It can take care of children and the elderly. This year, the town has actively promoted the development of modern agricultural industrialization. Focusing on the two characteristic industries of fungi and Chinese medicinal materials, the construction of the agricultural industrial park is actively promoted, relying on the fungus stick production plant, and the new black fungus planting base is built. Seed seedlings breeding bases, 100 acres of seed seedlings breeding bases, 1,000 acres of planting under forests, revitalizing and operating demonstration sites of Jiuju Valley and Shennong Valley rural tourism, and 200 acres of high -end fruit picking gardens. Through the development of enterprises and cooperatives, more than 300 people in the town have achieved employment at the "door of the house", with a monthly income of more than 3,000 yuan.

Rural governance shows new face. The pocket is drumming, and the days are getting more and more popular, but the most happy villagers are the very hot "toilet revolution". Most people use sanitary toilets. Everyone is very happy. Implementing the strategy of rural rejuvenation is inseparable from the improvement of village appearance and the improvement of the living environment. Sancha Town has deeply carried out the "11131" actions and beautiful rural construction actions to carry out the living environment. Planting, garbage cleaning ... the "face value" of the countryside is getting higher and higher. In the past year, more than 600 weeds, waste houses, etc. have been cumulatively rectified, 351 tons of domestic garbage are cleaned up, with a greening of 44,000 acres of green mountains, 19,800 trees, 7 kilometers of channel greening. The factory solves the problem of rural straw and waste treatment, and improves the quality of life.

Build a harmonious puppet. Take "safety construction" as an important guarantee for the implementation of "rural revitalization", promote the construction of safety according to local conditions, and integrate and link through the "five governances" of politics, rule of law, autonomy, moral governance, and intelligence. , By protect the village's rejuvenation. Drawing on the "Fengqiao Experience", taking "Comprehensive Governance Center+Grid Management" as an important means, it divides the second -level grid for 12 villages in the town. Each society is a medium grid. The household is a small grid, which realizes the "bottom number and situation" of the basic information of service management objects and contradictions and disputes. Since the construction of Ping An, there are 55 special cameras for the "Snow Light Project", distributed more than 1,200 propaganda materials and brochures, and 82 major contradictions and disputes were mediation. The mediation success rate was as high as 100%. Tips do not go out of the village, do not go out of the town, contradictions are not intertwined. "

Move the customs and customs. "Regulating the banquet handling not only saves money for the master's family, but also reduces the troubles of the neighborhood, and it is convenient for everyone." Since the revision of the village regulations for the governance of high -priced gifts in accordance with the latest policies, the villagers have increasingly felt "marriage The benefits of funeral from simplified, happy affairs, and thick burial ". At the same time, in -depth activities such as "removing bad habits, new winds of tree", "heir preacher training, Yangjia style", "good mother -in -law, good daughter -in -law" and other activities, stimulate rural revitalization internal power, promote rural areas from the beauty of the environment to life, from the inside, from the inside, from the inside The connotation of beauty is transformed. A neighborhood is harmonious and filial piety to respect for the elderly. Every family has a new village scene with flowers and households. Since the beginning of this year, there have been 4 selection activities, and 54 households have been selected for "Beautiful Family", "Comply with the Secretary of the Law", and 12 "Sanchas".

(He Jiqiang Pei Wenting)

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