"Interview with Hubei Transportation Association Living Room · Highway Director" | Wuhan City's highway environment has changed!

Author:Hubei Highway Time:2022.08.08

Time: 16: 00-17: 00, August 4, 2022

Column: China Traffic Broadcasting Hubei Frequency FM94.8 "Hubei Transportation Association Living Room"

Guest: Mei Wen, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Highway Business Development Center of the Wuhan Transportation Bureau

△ China Traffic Broadcast FM94.8 host Yu Jie (left), Wuhan City Transportation Bureau Highway Business Development Center Party Committee Secretary and Director Mei Wen (right)

22 Municipal highways are connected to the south and Chengdong Qi West; the highway of more than 800 kilometers is staggered and horizontal. How can Wuhan, known as the "nine provinces", build a "smooth, safe, comfortable, beautiful" road environment and dress up the face of beautiful cities?

From 4 to 5 pm on August 4th, Mei Wen, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Highway Business Development Center of the Wuhan City Transportation Bureau, was a guest of "Hubei Transportation Association", chatting with the majority of friends and netizens, Wuhan strengthened the city's highway road Realm environmental governance, continuously improving the "face value" of the highway

Moderator: The heavy responsibility is to think about his own responsibility and confidence.

In order to do a good job in the review of national sanitary cities and national civilized cities, on April 23, 2021, the Hubei Provincial Department of Transport and Wuhan City Transportation Bureau jointly organized a meeting of highway operation and management units in Wuhan City. The city's highway road environment has special rectification to enhance the environment of Wuhan's highway roads and better meet the demand for high -quality travel in the masses.

After more than a year of hard work, the environmental governance of the highway in Wuhan City has initially achieved results. The greening along the high -speed routes in the city is more beautiful, the driving distance and sight have become better, and the comfort of driving comfort has been greatly enhanced.

So, what kind of practical background does Wuhan, known as the "nine provinces" in Wuhan? What practical problems did you encounter in the process of implementing the environmental governance of the road? In the face of these reality difficulties and problems, how did Wuhan break the question?

Project background-action goals

Moderator: As a part of the road, its advantages and disadvantages directly determine the safety and civilization of citizens. In particular, highways connecting important cities, which are not only the main channels for entering and leaving cities, but also an important window for displaying the image of the city. How to manage environmental problems in highway roads has become one of the problems that need to be solved by improving the environment.

First of all, I would like to ask Director Mei. Is this one of the main reasons for Wuhan to carry out environmental governance of highway roads in the city?

Mei Wen: Wuhan is known as the "nine provinces". It is connected to the south to the north and Chengdong Qi West. At present, the highway operating in Wuhan City in the city includes a total of 22 highways such as Qingzheng Expressway, Wu'u Expressway, Beijing -Hong Kong -Macao Expressway, Airport Expressway, Han Cai Expressway, Chaoskou Yangtze River Bridge, Dahuang Expressway, and Fourth Ring Road. About 800 kilometers.

During the 2019 Military Games, Wuhan's high -speed and beautiful scenery, thoughtful and detailed services left a deep impression on the athletes of various countries. However, due to the lack of long -term mechanisms and endogenous power, after the sports meeting, the environment of the road has a certain degree of retrogression, the masses have more reflection, and the leaders are paying great attention.

In April 2021, the main leading comrades of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee pointed out that the highway entering and leaving Wuhan City is a business card in Wuhan. It is necessary to stand at the height of optimizing the business environment and vigorously promote the governance and improvement of the environmental environment of the highway road.

To this end, the Wuhan Transportation Highway Department heard the order, quickly organized the backbone, set up special classes, carried out a foundation, formulated a plan, and opened a new stage of comprehensive management of 22 highway roads in the city.

Formation mechanism-determine standards

Moderator: The highway of more than 800 kilometers is like the "great arteries" of crisscrossing, injecting a steady stream of motivation for the economic and social development of Wuhan. The environmental governance of the road is not only related to the improvement of the quality of highway services, but also an important project to show the face of the city. It is both face and inside. At the beginning of the environmental governance of the road, how did Wuhan clarify the action goals and formulate a responsibility mechanism?

Meiwen: On the morning of April 23, 2021, the Wuhan Highway Business Development Center organized a meeting of highway inspection work arrangements for the city. Optimistic question.

In accordance with the work requirements of "improving the environment of the highway road and creating the" Chang'an Shumei "traffic business environment", the Wuhan Highway Business Development Center quickly acted to regulate the hard work from various departments, set up three inspection teams, focusing on 22 to 22 The main pavement of the city's highway, the white throwing objects of the toll square, the damaged guardrail, and the roads of the road.

At the same time, in the context of 2021, the country vigorously promoted the continuous optimization of the business environment, the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government held national health cities on April 24, May 8 and May 11, 2021, respectively. And the creation of the national civilized cities to mobilize and carry out the seven major enhanced operational deployment meetings of the seven major enhancement operations of the "net, flat, bright, green, beautiful, unilateral, and excellent".

According to the requirements, Wuhan's transportation industry will focus on improving service attitudes, service efficiency, and service quality, and comprehensively carry out the creation of civilized cities, the creation of national sanitary cities, and strengthening comprehensive cities in cities. The highway as the aorta of the city, and the environmental improvement and improvement operation of the road is officially incorporated into the issue of action.

Moderator: It is understood that in order to realize the "full coverage" of the environmental improvement of the highway road in Wuhan City, it was decided to establish the inspection and supervision of the competent transportation department of Wuhan City, the supervision and supervision of the competent transportation department of Wuhan City, and the implementation of the main responsibility of the operation and management unit of each highway operation and management unit. , Specifically responsible for the responsibility mechanism of environmental improvement work, thereby forming a closed loop of three -party linkage, collaborative cooperation, and joint advancement. So, after determining the target of action, where does the goals and standards of inspections and rectification of highway roads come from?

Mei Wen: After clarifying the promotion of the highway road area, under the guidance of the Hubei Provincial Department of Transportation, the "Notice on the Special Action of Environmental Enhancement of the Provincial Highway Road in the Hubei Provincial Highway Business Development Center" [2021] No. 85) requires that the Wuhan City Transportation Bureau consumes the opinions of various relevant highway operating units and carefully study and absorb relevant opinions. After more than a month of theory, practice, summary, and amendment, it formed and released the "Rules of Environmental Management Evaluation Rules in Wuhan City" on October 13, 2021. The "Details" clarify the objects of environmental improvement and improvement of the city's highway roads are 22 cities highways and connection lines.

According to the early troops, the main contents of the rectification work include: there are no obvious garbage and facial source pollution in the road; there are no obvious road potholes on the road; the service area is clean, the facilities are in good condition; Wait.

Promotion process-action method

Moderator: After the environmental improvement goals of the highway road are determined, the method of action is needed. Director Mei also introduced it just now that at the beginning of the operation, Wuhan Highway Center heard the order, quickly organized the backbone, set up special classes, found out, formulated a plan, and opened a new stage of comprehensive management of 22 highway roads in the city.

So how does governance work advance? Below, let's learn through a short film:

Moderator: Through the video just now, we can understand that at the beginning of the special class of the Wuhan Highway Business Development Center entered the rectification project, the grasp of the highway lines and inspections in the city is not clear. However, the main person in charge of the special class took the initiative to take the initiative and came to the front -line guidance. After one and a half months of actual inspections, the team clearly clarified the inspection system standards in the highway road area in Wuhan. So, I would like to ask Director Mei, what specific content is divided into this road inspection system standard?

Meiwen: The standards for inspection systems for highway roads in Wuhan City include the management system, daily inspections, special tasks, and supervision of four major items. It is also divided into the establishment and implementation of the management system. Seven inspection sub -items such as demonstration road sections, special action response, completion of superior tasks, and rectification of supervision items. The large and sub -items are calculated by scores, with a total score of 100 points.

For example: 10 points for the establishment of the daily maintenance management system, those who have not been formulated and do not maintain records monthly, do not score.

There are 30 points in the road of roads. Among them, the pavement, the central partition belt and the slope are neat, and no white garbage scores 6 points. Various highway auxiliary facilities such as screens, ripples, and isolation pier remain clean and non -corrosive. No obvious dust and stains scored 6 points. Each discovery was 1 point of severe unclean deduction, and more than 6 did not score.

Another example: a total of 25 points for roadbeds, roads and accessories. Among them, the standard line is 5 points in a clear and clear. Each discovery of a labeling line is missing, the damage deduction is 1 point, and the more than 5 points are not scored; Deduct 1 point, and more than 5 are not scored.

Based on this inspection criteria, our inspection classes in highway roads are conducting normalized inspections on 22 municipal highways in Wuhan City in accordance with the form of "weekly random inspection and monthly coverage". At the same time, establish a list of issues, timely urge relevant operating management units to rectify in a timely manner, and regularly report rankings. Units that are not positive for rectification and affect the creation of civilization, expose in news media. △ Mei Wen, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Highway Business Development Center of Wuhan City Transportation Bureau

Moderator: Through the introduction of Director Mei just now, we can clearly understand that the actions of "operating units as the main body, territory supervision of the government, and industry guidance of the transportation department" in the highway road in Wuhan City are clearly clear. After the remediation and improvement goals and action methods of the highway road, the daily inspection results form a fixed issue list and release them in time. Is it because of this daily problem list release mechanism that formed an incentive and deterrent effect?

Mei Wen: It is indeed. The daily issue list is established by the Municipal Transportation Bureau Management Member, the maintenance team of the Municipal Transportation Bureau, the maintenance team of the highway operation and management company, and the road area inspection team of the three -party departments of the Municipal Transportation Bureau. "One -to -one" is sent and received.

After receiving a list of problems with the maintenance team of the highway operation and management company, the problem must be rectified accordingly within the prescribed time. At the same time, the original path will reply to the rectification situation to the special class, and the members of the special class will be sorted out to form the entire highway The closed -loop operation of the environmental improvement of the road.

At the beginning of the rectification and improvement of highway roads, there were indeed some highway operating companies that had rectification responses in time and repeated shortcomings. After many special classes, it has been promoted in writing for many times. At present, the highway operation companies attach great importance to the road environment of the sections of the sections under its jurisdiction. The rectification response has gradually increased. Currently close to 100%.

Facing difficulties-cracked

Moderator: There are 22 highways operating in Wuhan City in the city, with a mileage of about 800 kilometers. Nine operating management enterprises including Yuexiu Group, Shandong Expressway, CCCC Bridge, and Chutian Expressway. So what are these difficulties?

Mei Wen: There must be a problem. In the past, the environmental governance actions in the roads were mostly small -scale actions, and they were basically engaged in each year. Once a large -scale two or three years, it is often the effect during the action. After the operation, it is repeated and cannot be cured. The reason for this is many aspects. There are mainly the following points in the back:

The first is that highway operating companies have considers cost -saving considerations, leading to low enthusiasm and insufficient investment in the environmental governance of the road. As a enterprise, it is for profit. At the beginning of the environmental governance of the road, some companies often told us: "You want us to improve this and we need to improve that.

The second is that the environmental governance of the road involves the transportation industry, local governments, and the government's transportation, urban management, traffic management and other departments and units. The institutional mechanism of comprehensive governance has not yet been established.

Third, the consciousness of "love roads" and the awareness of civilized travel along the highway and the masses along the highway and the people along the highway need to be further improved. For example, in the toll station square, it is convenient for individuals to take pictures, throw the garbage in the car on the square or throw it on the slope, and the drainage groove; It is even more serious safety hazard.

Moderator: Because the environmental problems in the road are comprehensive, it is difficult to solve the problems other than the power of one unit, and exploring the fundamental ways and methods of effectively solving the problem will be the trend. So how does Wuhan break the problem according to the actual and difficult problems?

Mei Wen: When dealing with environmental governance issues in the road, we gradually try to link the collaboration mechanism. On the basis of strengthening the cooperation of various units, we can solve the current problems:

As soon as you grasp the concept, we will understand the economic accounts, social accounts and security accounts of the environmental governance of the road.

Calculating the economic account refers to the fact that the company has invested in the environmental governance of the road, but the environment of the road is good, there are more people walking, the car will be more, and the enterprise will eventually benefit.

Calculating the social account refers to the business card of the highway. The foreigners come to Wuhan and see the high -speed and tidy highway in Wuhan. The first impression of Wuhan will be very good. Entrepreneurs may invest in Wuhan. Visitors may play in Wuhan for a few more days.

Calculating the security account refers to the content of the environmental remediation of the road, such as the logo marker, the road conditions, and the guardrail status, which are important safety facilities. These are all standardized and improved. Many hidden safety hazards have been eliminated. The accident can be avoided.

The second grasp system and construction mechanism, focusing on establishing a comprehensive governance mechanism for government -led, departmental cooperation, and social participation. We have introduced the "Regulations on the Environmental Reform Work Plan on the highway roads within the city", and established three lists of issues, tasks, and responsibilities. The "Rules of Environmental Management Evaluation of the Highway Road in Wuhan City" was formulated, and weekly reporting, monthly summary, and quarterly evaluation ratio was implemented to play the role of "evaluation".

The third is to focus on key points, strict implementation, and establish a closed -loop inspection and supervision mechanism of discovery problems, rectification and implementation, and "looking back". Establish a special inspection work class, consolidate the responsibility of inspection work, determine the scope, time, frequency, and tasks of the inspection, and form a workflow. Through continuous and strong supervision inspections, notifications, and urging, the governance goals of the road to promote management were achieved. The fourth is to grasp technology and efficiency. With the strong support of the Hubei Provincial Department of Transportation and the Provincial Highway Business Development Center, the Wuhan Highway Monitoring Center successfully access the video data of the municipal highway toll station, realizing the real -time grasp of the toll station for 24 hours, alleviating the on -site inspection work The quantity has greatly improved the quality and efficiency of inspection and supervision.

Here, we can understand through a short film, how do we pay close attention to implementation and normalize the environmental governance work of the road:

Obtain results-next step arrangement

Moderator: There are goals, measures, and action. For more than a year, the environmental improvement work class of the highway road of the Wuhan Highway Business Development Center has adhered to high -standing, establishing high standards, and improving the comprehensive environmental management system of the road area, and emphasizing the refinement of normal fixed inspections, dynamic management and comprehensive management and control Management work, continuously carry out supervision and inspections of the environment of highway roads in the city, and steadily advanced the rectification work.

Next, Director Mei asked Mei to introduce some of the results of the environmental governance of the highway roads in Wuhan City at this stage.

Mei Wen: Since the "full coverage" work has been launched in late April last year, since the environment inspections of the city's highway roads, the environmental improvement work class of the highway road in the Wuhan Highway Business Development Center has been rapidly with the Hubei Provincial Communications Group and the provincial province. Traffic Investment Corporation, Municipal Hong Kong Fa Group, Wuhan Ecological Environment Investment Group, Municipal Communications Group, Yuexiu Group, Shandong Expressway, CCCC Chaos Bridge, Chu Tian Expressway, and other 9 highway operation companies have taken the initiative to convey the province, The environmental improvement work requirements of the city's road area are jointly formed to form a cooperative cooperation mechanism, and actively promote the implementation of the rectification work.

On the other hand, actively carry out work notifications, form a working daily newspaper, weekly newspaper, and monthly newspaper system, and gradually form a good working situation in which provincial, municipal, and highway operation management units are together, collaborative advancement, closed -loop management, and obvious effects.

The first is to strengthen the mechanism and keep the bottom line to build the cornerstone of the environmental improvement of the road. During the governance operation, the professional maintenance teams of the highway operation enterprises were cleaned up and tidy on the weeds and withered branches within the highway section of the jurisdiction, and they paid close attention to the "blind spots and dead ends" to achieve road surfaces, border grooves, and central government within the scope of highway land. Differential bands, slopes on both sides, bridge culverts, tunnels, and its auxiliary facilities are cleaned up, there are no weeds in the green belt, green management and protection, trees are neatly trimmed, no invasion or cover signs signs signs Phenomenon.

The second is to adhere to the problem -oriented orientation and comprehensively improve the road. With the "List of Environmental Rectification Work in the Central Road in the Central Road in 2021", it is the starting point to further play the main role of various highway operation companies, the standards for high standards, improve the level of maintenance and cleaning mechanization operation, and comprehensively improve the road of highway roads. As of now, the overall environment of 22 highway roads in the city has remained well maintained. Jing high -speed, Wuma high -speed, and Chutian high -speed company Daduang high -speed. These high -speed speeds have greatly improved road traffic capacity and service level through inspections and rectification.

Then through the environmental improvement operation of the road, let the ecological civilization and green development deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, let Ping An and green travel deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the whole process of ecological protection, green maintenance and high -quality development run through the road maintenance work. Qingshan, Qingshan is not available.

Next, please intuitively experience the smoothness and beauty of the highway in Wuhan City through a video.

Moderator: Write the land with the heart of the people, and the landscapes are beautiful.

In more than a year, Wuhan started from the aspects of environmental management level, industry image, governance capacity, business environment, and city quality of highway roads to further enhance and create highway environment of "smooth, safe, comfortable, and beautiful" , Placing the face of the city.

Today in Wuhan, the road is more smooth, the scenery is more beautiful, the environment is more civilized, and the people driving for driving have become a kind of enjoyment. Below, we look forward to the video of Director Mei personally appearing in the video, and we look forward to the beautiful future of environmental governance in the highway road in Wuhan.

Source: 948 on the road

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