The most beautiful "police" color in the autumn of "first -line faxes", the most romantic poem

Author:Harbin Net Police Inspection L Time:2022.08.08

A volume of autumn wind, cold overnight,

The cicada is weaker, and the beginning of autumn has arrived.

Since ancient times, autumn is sad,

I said the autumn of the Spring Dynasty.

Autumn, not just fallen leaves,

There are also gains and companions,

And the scenes of the scenes.

Four seasons flow, sunrise, return,

The Bengbu Iron Police is always unchanged,

Fighting the front line and sticking to the original intention of the post!

There is a final chapter in summer, and the autumn welcomes the prelude,

At the end of the summer when the summer is difficult to disappear,

They face high temperature, not afraid of wind and rain,

The work tasks are excellent.

They are the "inflammation" value under the scorching sun,

It is the most beautiful "police" in autumn.

A simple care greetings,

What is not forgotten is the original intention of serving the people.

A enthusiastic solution to trouble,

It is the hotness in people's hearts.

A wet Tibetan blue police uniform,

The interpretation is the mission and responsibility in mind.

Look up, there is more light in the sky,

There is still a duty responsibility,

Check the back of the hidden dangers,

There is also not afraid of "baking" test,

Serving the people is like a fiery enthusiasm!

Walking on your own Long March,

Measted a 10,000 miles rail with your steps,

The severe cold heat is also unstoppable!

High temperature, firm footsteps, witnessing the original intention!

Golden yellow in autumn,

With the blue blue in the crowd,

It's so harmonious, so warm!

It's like a cloudless blue sky,

So clear and translucent!

They are the most beautiful "police" in autumn,

It is a veritable "inflammation" value!

- END -

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