The Yuncheng Market Supervision Bureau investigates the charging work in the field of Pinglu County's water supply and power supply field

Author:Yuncheng Market Supervision Time:2022.08.08

On August 4, the Price Supervision and Management Section of the Yuncheng Market Supervision Bureau went to Pinglu County to investigate the charging work in the field of water supply and power supply and held a symposium. The relevant person in charge of the county market supervision bureau participated.

At the symposium, the research team carefully listened to the reporting report of enterprises in the field of water supply and power supply in Pinglu County, and learned more about the charging of water supply end users in the county. Subsequently, the research team conducted on -site inspections on the situation of water and electricity charging and refund price reduction in the fields of shopping mall supermarkets, street facades, property companies, residential communities and other fields, and feedback on existing problems.

The research team emphasized that standardizing the charging behavior of the transfer of power supply is an important measure to deepen the reform of "decentralization of management" and optimize the business environment. It is necessary to deeply understand the significance of carrying out special governance actions, comprehensively investigate, establish reforms, and resolutely investigate and deal with illegal charges that harm the interests of the masses, so that the masses have more, more direct and practical sense of gain; Supervise and guide enterprises to conscientiously implement the national "tax reduction tax reduction" policy, strictly implement various relevant regulations, strengthen price self -discipline management, eliminate the increasing price and increase in power supply, provide consumers with reasonable power consumption services to ensure good good ones Market operation order.

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