Will China announce a new military exercise?Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Author:Changan Jian, Central Politica Time:2022.08.08

On the 8th, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wang Wenbin, responded to issues such as whether China would announce the new military exercise and the Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Kishita's inappropriate speech at the regular press conference.

Will China announce a new military exercise? Bleak

A reporter asked: The military exercise announcement issued by China last week said that the military exercise will end on August 7, but it has not yet ended. Will China announce a new military exercise, will it send new warnings to civilian vessels and aircraft?

Wang Wenbin: Taiwan is the territory of China. China conducts normal military training activities in its surrounding waters of its territory, open, transparent, and professional. The relevant Chinese departments have also issued an announcement in a timely manner, which is in line with domestic law, in line with international law, but also in line with international practice. This is not only a warning to provocatives, but also a legitimate move to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Is China continuing for military exercises, is it also countermeasures for Perosi to visit Taiwan?

Some reporters asked: What is the reason why China continues to conduct military exercises? Is it also a countermeasure for Perosi to visit Taiwan?

Wang Wenbin: Previously, we have clarified the Chinese position on related issues many times, and I am also willing to take this opportunity to reiterate to you again. , To visit Taiwan, China, this inversion has seriously violated China's sovereignty, seriously interfered in China's internal affairs, seriously violated the commitment made by the United States, and seriously endangered the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait. As the State Councilor and Foreign Minister of the State Council and Foreign Minister, the Chinese position is correct, reasonable, and legal. Our measures are firm, powerful, and moderate. The Chinese military training is open, transparent, and professional. The purpose is to issue warnings to the accident and punish the "Taiwan independence" forces.

We will firmly maintain China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, resolutely curb the conspiracy to "control the Chinese" in the United States, and resolutely shatter the fantasy of "leaning on the beauty" of the Taiwan authorities. At the same time, China is also maintaining the basic principles of international law and the basic criteria for maintaining international law and international relations, especially the most important international law principles that do not interfere in the internal affairs in the UN Charter.

Which communication channels and areas of China and the United States will continue to be open?

A reporter asked: Last week, China announced that it would stop or reduce communication with the United States. What communication channels and areas of China and the United States will continue to be open?

Wang Wenbin: Dialogue and communication requires sincerity, and China will continue to ask the United States to negotiate solemnly about Perosi. We urge the United States to conscientiously reflect, immediately correct the error, stop the indulgence and support of the "Taiwan independence" split forces, stop playing the "Taiwan card" and "Taiwan to make China". At present, we must stop turning black and white. The crisis adheres to the provisions of the three joint communiqués of China and China and the United States with practical actions.

Japan has no qualifications and no right to say three or four issues to Taiwan issues

Recently, the Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Tianshi made improper remarks in China.

In this regard, Wang Wenbin said that we resolutely oppose the wrong remarks and unreasonable accusations of the Japanese side. Whether it is law or politics or morality, Japan is not qualified and has no right to say three or four. Before, Wang Yi State Councilor and Foreign Minister had strictly refuted the Japanese theory at the East Asian Summit.

Wang Wenbin pointed out that Japan once illegally occupied Taiwan and implemented for half a century of the implementation. Colonial rule, kill 60 There are more than 10,000 Taiwan compatriots, plundering a large number of local resources, and forcing many countries including Southeast Asian countries, and many people have killed it. In 1943, the Cairo Declaration published by China and the United States clearly stipulated that the Chinese territory stolen by Japan, including Taiwan and Penghu Islands, returned to China. Essence Since then, Japan has accepted the Potsdam Announcement and announced unconditional surrender. The "China -Japan Joint Statement" signed by the normalization of China -Japan diplomatic relations in 1972 clearly stipulates that the Japanese government fully understands and respects the Chinese government's position that Taiwan is an inseparable part of Chinese territory and adheres to the terms of the Potsdam Announcement. In such a history, Japan should not forget and need to reflect from time to time.

Wang Wenbin asked: "Japan has been so high -profile recently on Taiwan's issue. Is it forgotten the promise made when signing the" China -Japan Joint Statement "? Is it to subvert the political foundation of Sino -Japanese relations? The Japanese side should use this to expand the military reserve to abandon the peace constitution and no longer follow the path of peaceful development? The Japanese side should give these issues on a responsible explanation of the international community. "

Wang Wenbin emphasized that as to the Japanese side claiming that "the Chinese military training activities involved the Japanese exclusive economic zone", China and Japan have not yet been planned in the relevant sea area. How can the "Japanese exclusive economic zone" say? Taiwan is a Chinese territory. China conducts normal military training activities around its own territory. It is open and transparent, which is in line with domestic law, in line with international law, and is in line with international practice. Essence

Wang Wenbin finally pointed out that the Chinese side urged the Japanese side to conscientiously reflect on the history of aggression, recognize the high sensitivity of Taiwan's issues, abide by the four political documents principles of China and Japan and the promises that have been done so far, stop the negative words and deeds of the United States, and stop following the cooperation and cooperation. The wrong ways of the United States to avoid further serious damage to the relationship between the two countries.

Disclaimer: This article is transferred from CCTV News Client,@声 声, China News (ID: CNS1952)

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