The 20th "Yamaguchi Bank Cup" Japanese speech contest started

Author:Webly viewing Qingdao Time:2022.06.17

Recently, the 20th "Yamaguchi Bank Cup" Japanese speech contest officially kicked off. This contest was co -sponsored by the Qingdao People's Foreign Affairs Office, the Qingdao Education Bureau, and the Yamaguchi Bank of the Corporation. The competition is divided into five groups of college students, the second group of college students, the college student group, the middle school student group, and the social group. There will be thousands of people in middle schools, youth universities, and Japanese -funded enterprises.

On June 12, the finals of the University Student Group were held at Qingdao Training Base in the General Administration of Customs. Participants and the director of each exhibition and competition showed a fierce competition around topics such as heterosexual friendship, future and the past, deepening China -Japan friendship. In the end, Nan Ruixiang from Ocean University of China won a group of special awards for college students. Zhao Wenxiao from Qingdao University won the second group of college students.

The "Yamaguchi Banking Cup" Japanese speech contest has been held since 1992. Under the support and care guidance of units at all levels, it has gradually become a language tradition with a long duration, high citizen participation, and large social influence under the support and care guidance of units at all levels. The event. The holding of the competition has made positive contributions to promoting the exchanges of China and Japan. The friendship between the people of China and Japan has stimulated the enthusiasm of the citizens to learn Japanese, cultivated and selected many Japanese talents, and served the overall strategy of opening up in Qingdao to the outside world. It provided effective help for the construction of Qingdao's international fashion city.

On June 18, the middle school students and social group competitions will be held at the Qingdao training base of the General Administration of Customs. For more information, please pay attention to WeChat public account: Qingdao International Exchange Center. Registration and consultation telephone: 0532-83895534, 83880032

Contest Organizing Committee Contact Address: 22nd Floor, Times Square, Hong Kong Middle Road, Shinan District, Qingdao City

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