The manhole cover is flushed, Baoding "Pin Kou" persisted in the stagnant water for 6 hours

Author:Hebei Youth Daily Hebei Editor Time:2022.08.08

Hebei Youth Daily (Reporter Cheng Gong learned from Chen Jiayao and Dai Suyu) On the afternoon of August 6, Baoding a heavy rain caused a lot of inconvenience to the lives of citizens. Several manhole covers in Dongyuan Street, Lianchi District were also flushed in the rain.

In the heavy rain, a man wearing black clothes supported the umbrella and insisted on the Jingkou for 3 hours, while reminding passers -by to pay attention to safety. On August 7, the short videos of this newspaper about the matter received a huge response. As of press time, the volume of each platform has exceeded 2 million, and it has appeared on the same city hot search list of multiple platforms. The man's good deeds warmed countless Baoding people.

Liu Liang stood in the rain to remind pedestrians

Netizens leave a screenshot

On August 8, the reporter contacted Liu Liang, a man who was called "Umbrella Brother" by netizens. The reporter learned that he opened a restaurant in Dongyuan Street and was familiar with the road conditions here. "Low -lying here, sometimes the accumulation of custody." Liu Liang said.

"That afternoon, when a car was trapped in the water, he also took us (employees) to help." Employee Xiao Han said. When the rain was the largest on the day, two elderly people who had ride three rounds were trapped in the water. At the critical moment, Liu Liang called a clerk. The two rushed to the opposite side of the road to help the elderly pull out the three -wheel wheels. Push the car to a place with less water to avoid the danger that may occur.

Liu Liang helps pedestrian carts

Nearby merchants also told reporters a well -known detail.

Ms. Yang also opened the door next to Liu Liang's restaurant. In her opinion, this good deed of neighbors was not accidental. "He is like this every time a heavy rain every year, not only this time." Ms. Yang said, at 13:00 on the 6th, when the rain just became bigger, Liu Liang stayed at the well. "He only left after the water was disappeared at 7 pm. In fact, it has been 6 hours in the water."

Liu Liang rescue two elderly people

When Liu Liang chatted with reporters, he inadvertently mentioned a detail. He said his knees had previously performed surgery. However, at the time of the incident, he still insisted on the well in the well in the well in the stagnant water with deep thighs. "Every time it rains because of the low terrain, it is easy to accumulate water here, and I will come out to see if anyone needs help." Liu Liang said Essence

In the rainstorm, Liu Liang, who guarded people's safety, was smiled when asked by reporters, but showed a clear contrast with his image: "When you see it, help, Baoding people are so enthusiastic. "

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