The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued the so -called joint statement in the United States, Australia and Japan

Author:Ministry of Foreign Affairs we Time:2022.08.08

On August 8, 2022, Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, presided over a regular press conference

Xinhua News Agency: Wang Yi State Councilor and Foreign Minister just attended the East Asian Cooperation Series Foreign Minister Conference. What are the spokesperson's evaluation of the results of the meeting?

Wang Wenbin: From August 4th to 5th, the State Councilor and Foreign Minister of Wang Yi attended the China -ASEAN (10) Foreign Minister Association, ASEAN and China, Japan and South Korea (10 + 3) Foreign Minister Association, East Asian Summit Foreign Minister Association and ASEAN Forum Foreign Minister Association. This is the first time that the East Asian Cooperation Series Foreign Minister will be held offline since the new coronary pneumonia epidemic. During the meeting, the State Councilor and Foreign Minister of Wang Yi clarified the proposal of China on China -ASEAN cooperation, East Asian cooperation, and regional security cooperation. The same countries participating in the meeting on strengthening unity and cooperation, seeking Asian security, and promoting recovery development opinions.

The first is to maintain the status of the ASEAN center and practice open regionalism. Wang Yi State Councilor and Foreign Minister pointed out that they must maintain the correct direction of East Asian cooperation, adhere to the open and inclusive, adhere to the Asian way, consolidate the ASEAN -centered regional cooperation structure, make bigger and stronger cooperation platforms centered on ASEAN, oppose ideology with ideology. Line, oppose the introduction of camp confrontation, oppose the exclusive small circle impact regional architecture. China has also distributed documents such as China's support for ASEAN center status documents and support for the four priority fields of the "ASEAN Indian Prospects". The foreign ministers of the participating countries unanimously appreciated the consistent support of the ASEAN center.

The second is to deepen the recovery cooperation after the epidemic. Wang Yi State Councilor and Foreign Minister advocated that regional cooperation should continue to adhere to "development priority, people's livelihood priority", increase investment in poverty alleviation, better solve development problems, and achieve common development. China supports ASEAN construction regional vaccine production and distribution centers to strengthen the construction of public health capacity; implement the initiative of food safety cooperation, jointly promote energy safety and can ensure stable energy supply; support trade investment liberalization and facilitation, maintain the stable supply chain of the industrial chain , Construction of the Asia -Pacific Free Trade Zone and the Asia -Pacific economic community. China is willing to set up a regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement for economic and technical cooperation for economic and technical cooperation under the framework of the China ASEAN Cooperation Fund; support 10 + 3 emergency medical material reserve centers, increase financial support for 10 + 3 rice emergency reserve mechanisms; expand digital infrastructure, e -commerce, and Exchange and cooperation in digital logistics, smart cities and other fields; promote the establishment of 10 + 3 low -carbon partnerships.

Participants have unanimously agreed to accelerate the integration of regional economic integration, comprehensively implement the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement, deepen cooperation in the fields of public health, digital economy, and green development, realize low -carbon and sustainable development, and better benefit people from all countries.

The third is to maintain regional peace and stability. Wang Yi State Councilor and Foreign Minister pointed out that regional cooperation must promote common security, attach importance to and respect the reasonable and safe concerns of other countries, and jointly maintain the peace and stability of the region. All countries must earnestly abide by the UN Charter and International Law, jointly maintain the international system with the United Nations as the core, and adhere to the international order based on international law, rather than improving the so -called "rules" of one country or national group to others, coerced the selection of other countries to choose Stand up. China opposes that some great powers blindly promote unilateralism and do not accept illegal actions of sanctions.

In order to further promote the healthy development of East Asia's cooperation, China has played a constructive role and showed the responsibility of a responsible power.

During the meeting, the State Councilor and Foreign Minister of Wang Yi also explained the solemn position on the provocations of the United States to violate China's sovereignty. Wang Yi State Councilor and Foreign Minister emphasized that the peaceful and stable Dinghai God needle of the Taiwan Strait is a Chinese principle, and the real "guardrail" of peace and the peaceful coexistence of China and the United States is three joint communiqués. "Relying on Mei Mou" is dead, and "Taiwan -based China" is destined to fail. Faced with the US speaker Perosi regardless of the serious concern of China and resolutely opposed to perseverance, China should naturally respond to resolutely. The Chinese side's position is legitimate, reasonable, and legal. The Chinese measures are firm, powerful, and moderate. The Chinese military training is open, transparent, and professional, which is in line with domestic law, in line with international law, and international practice. China is not only firmly safeguarding China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, but also the basic guidelines for maintaining international law and international relations, especially the most important international laws that do not interfere in the internal affairs stipulated in the UN Charter. Because of this, more than 100 countries have stood up publicly and reiterated their firm positions to understand and support the legitimate position of China.

Many foreign ministers participating in the conference expressed their adherence to a Chinese principle and understanding the necessary measures to support China to defend sovereignty and territorial integrity. ASEAN Foreign Minister also issued a statement on the situation on the two sides of the strait, reiterating to abide by a China principle.

Reporter of Cuban American Agency: severe fires occurred in the Cuban oil storage base. The Cuban government has sought international assistance, and many countries have also responded. What are the comments in China about the accident? Do you plan to provide assistance to the Cuban government?

Wang Wenbin: China and Cuba are good friends, good comrades, and brothers. China expressed condolences to the victims of the accident and expressed condolences to the families and injured people of the victims. The Chinese Red Cross has decided to provide emergency humanitarian assistance to the Cuban Red Cross. China is willing to continue to help the ancient side.

Reporter of the Hong Kong China Evaluation Agency: Recently, Japanese Prime Minister Kishita said that Japan strongly condemned the missiles launched by Chinese military exercises into the "exclusive economic zone" in Japan, and also said that China did not recognize this. Kishida said that this is related to the security of the country and the national and national, which has a serious impact on the peaceful and stability of the international community. What is China's comment?

Wang Wenbin: We resolutely oppose the wrong remarks and unreasonable accusations of the Japanese side. Whether it is law or politics or morality, Japan is not qualified and has no right to say three or four. A few days ago, Wang Yi State Councilor and Foreign Minister had strictly refuted the Japanese remarks at the East Asian cooperation series. Japan has illegally occupied and colonized for half a century in Taiwan. It has killed more than 600,000 Taiwan compatriots, plundered a large number of local resources, and forced multiple countries including Southeast Asian countries. Many people were tortured and killed. In 1943, the Cairo Declaration published by China and the United States clearly stipulated that the Chinese territory stolen by Japan, including Taiwan and Penghu Islands, to China. Article 8 of the "Potsdam Announcement" published in 1945 states that the Cairo Declaration will be implemented. Since then, Japan has accepted the Potsdam Announcement and announced unconditional surrender. In 1972, the Sino -Japanese joint statement signed when the normalization of China -Japan diplomatic relations clearly stipulates that the Japanese government fully understands and respects the Chinese government's position that the Chinese government is an inseparable part of the Chinese territory and adheres to Article 8 of the Potsdam Announcement. In such a history, Japan should not forget and need to reflect from time to time.

Japan's recent high -profile issues on Taiwan have forgotten the promise made when signing the China -Japan joint statement? Is it to subvert the political foundation of China -Japan relations? Is there any ambition to stain Taiwan again? Does the Japanese side want to expand the arms, abandon the "peace constitution", and stop taking the path of peaceful development? The Japanese side should give a responsible explanation to the international community on these issues.

As for the Japanese side claiming that the Chinese military training activity involves the so -called Japanese exclusive economic zone, China and Japan have not yet been planned in the relevant sea area. Taiwan is the territory of China. China conducts normal military training activities in the surrounding waters of its own territory. It is open, transparent, and professional. Complete legitimate move.

China urges the Japanese side to conscientiously reflect on the history of aggression, recognize the high sensitivity of Taiwan's issues, abide by the four political documents principles of China and Japan and the commitment so far, stop the negative words and deeds of the United States and the United States, and stop following the cooperation of the United States "Taiwan to make China". Error behaviors avoid further serious damage to relations between the two countries.

Bloomberg reporter: Has the Chinese side held in the waters around Taiwan have ended as scheduled? Can you introduce more about military exercises?

Wang Wenbin: The Chinese military has issued relevant announcements, everyone can check.

Agence France -Presse: The Chinese military said today that it will continue to conduct military exercises in the surrounding waters of Taiwan. What is the reason for? Is this also countermeasures for Perosi to visit Taiwan? If it is, what is the reason why China thinks last week is still not enough to achieve the purpose of countermeasures?

Wang Wenbin: The American Speaker Pelosi regards the resolute opposition and repeated negotiations regardless of the Chinese side. Under the indulgence and arrangement of the U.S. government, he visited Taiwan in Taiwan. Promise, seriously endangers the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait. As the State Councilor and Foreign Minister of the State Council and Foreign Minister, the Chinese position is correct, reasonable, and legal. Our measures are firm, powerful, and moderate. The Chinese military training is open, transparent, and professional. The purpose is to issue warnings to the accident and punish the "Taiwan independence" forces. We will firmly maintain China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, resolutely curb the conspiracy to "control the Chinese" in the United States, and resolutely shatter the fantasy of "leaning on the beauty" of the Taiwan authorities. At the same time, China is also the most important international law of non -interference in the internal affairs stipulated in the Basic Guidelines for maintaining international law and international relations, especially the United Nations Charter.

Reporter of Turkish Annadu News Agency: China ’s previously announced sailing warnings have expired at noon yesterday (August 7). Continuing military exercises does not seem to be in line with international practice. For the new military training, will China be released separately from civil aircraft and ship safety reminders?

Wang Wenbin: Taiwan is the territory of China. China has carried out normal military training activities in its surrounding waters, open, transparent, and professional. The relevant Chinese departments have also issued announcements in time. This is in line with domestic law, in line with international law, and in line with international practice. This is not only a warning to provocatives, but also a legitimate move to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Phoenix Satellite TV reporter: On the 5th, U.S. Secretary of State Brills, Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian, and Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fangzheng issued a joint statement after a three -sided strategy dialogue to reiterate that one of the Chinese policies of the three countries and the basic position of Taiwan have not changed. "Chinese policy" is labeled "in the case of applicable". Last week, the Foreign Minister of the Seventh Kingdom Group and the senior representatives of the European Union also made the same statement in a joint statement. What is China's comment?

Wang Wenbin: A Chinese principle is the universal consensus of the international community, a recognized basic criterion for international relations, and forming a part of the international order after World War II. Political foundation. The official legal opinions of the UN Secretariat clearly states that "Taiwan has no independent status as a province in China." Individual countries are illegal and ineffective for some countries and various prefixes and suffixes to try to distort, blur, and empty the principles of the China China. China has resolutely opposed it.

The meaning of a Chinese principle is clear and clear, that is, there is only one China in the world, Taiwan is part of China, and the government of the People's Republic of China is the only legal government representing China. The application of a Chinese principle is universal, unconditional, and unquestionable. For all countries that establish diplomatic relations with China, all UN member states should unconditionally abide by a China principle and abide by the resolution No. 2758 of the United University. The practice of individual countries is actually a crooked reading of a Chinese principle. It is essentially challenging the basic principles of international law and the basic criteria for international relations, and also challenging the international order after World War II. If there is no faith, the country is declining without faith. We advise individual countries to read history well, adhere to the solemn and solemn commitment of white paper and black words made at that time, and deeply understand the danger and harm of the purpose of "Taiwan independence" for the "Taiwan independence" forces. Attempting to challenge a Chinese principle, challenge international rule of law, and international order, it will definitely be co -opposed by the international community and will never succeed.

"Hindu" reporter: It is reported that the Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka met with President Wickerhamaxin on Saturday. Earlier, the Sri Lanka requested that China will postpone the "Yuanwang No. 5" scientific research ship stop plan. Can you confirm that Sri Lanka made the request? What are the response to this?

Wang Wenbin: I noticed the relevant reports, and I would like to emphasize two points. First, Sri Lanka is the Indian Ocean Transportation Hub. Scientific examination ships, including China, have stopped relying on the port of Sri Lanka. China has been legally exercising the freedom of Gonghai, and fully respects the jurisdiction of the coastal countries' scientific examination activities in its jurisdiction. Second, Sri Lanka is a sovereign state and has the right to develop relations with other countries according to its own development interests. Normal cooperation between China and Sri Lanka is an independent choice of the two countries, which is in line with the common interests of both parties and does not target third parties. It is unreasonable to apply the presses on the grounds of so -called "security concerns". In the case of economic and political difficulties in Sri Lanka, rough interference in Normal foreign exchanges and cooperation is to take advantage of the danger of people, and it violates the basic criteria for international morality and international relations. China urges relevant parties to treat the Chinese marine scientific research activities rationally and stop interference in normal communication and cooperation in China.

CCTV reporter: We noticed that Australia and the Japanese foreign minister issued the so -called joint statement on the situation of the Taiwan Strait and Taiwan's issues after a three -sided strategic dialogue. How do Chinese side think of the Australian side in the current atmosphere of China -Australia's relations?

Wang Wenbin: I just clarified the Chinese position on the so -called statement in the United States and Australia. The Australian side is obsessed with the facts of the facts, and the legitimate and legitimate measures of the integrity of China's maintenance and the integrity of the territory are unprecedented. China has resolutely opposed it.

In recent years, China -Australia relations have suffered serious difficulties due to Australia. China has a consistent and clear position for the development of Sino -Australian relations. The healthy and stable development of Sino -Australian relations meets the fundamental interests and wishes of the people of the two countries. We urge the Australian side to recognize the situation, distinguish between right and wrong, respect the core interests and major concerns of the Chinese side, abide by a Chinese principle, abide by the basic criteria of international relations, stop interfered in China's internal affairs, stop destroying the peaceful and stable region's wrong words and deeds, do not conform to, do not cooperate with individual countries The wrong strategy of "Taiwan" should not create new obstacles for the development of China -Australia relations.

China -A Satellite TV reporter: Last week, your colleagues briefly introduced the situation of the Islamic National Ambassador to China to visit Xinjiang. Can you further introduce the visits?

Wang Wenbin: From August 1st to 5th, the Islamic National Ambassador to China was invited to visit the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Algeria, Guinea, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and other 30 Islamic Ambassadors and diplomats participated. During the visit, the delegation went to Kashgar, Aksu and Urumqi to visit the mosque, the Xinjiang Islamic College, the grass -roots communities, the cotton planting field, the original religion center, etc. The theme exhibition of counter -terrorism and de -extremization struggle has witnessed the real situation of the harmonious coexistence of various ethnic groups in Xinjiang, the freedom of religious beliefs, the tackling of poverty alleviation, and a breakthrough in rural revitalization. The envoys highly appreciated the Chinese government to adhere to the people -centered ruling strategy, and appreciate Xinjiang's great efforts and fruitful results in the fields of economic development and national unity. The envoys lamented, "The fruits of Xinjiang are too sweet, the days of the people here are as sweet as this fruit", saying that "we see the people's happiness, freedom, harmony, and peaceful life here." The language and cultural heritage here are very good protection. " The envoys emphasized that "full of confidence in the future of Xinjiang, hoping to share the opportunities for the construction of the 'Belt and Road' with Xinjiang, and carry out more cooperation in infrastructure construction, modern agriculture development, and education and scientific research."

It's better to see it at first sight. This is not the first time that foreign delegations have sighed like this. Xinjiang's human rights and religious freedoms are good or bad. The people of Xinjiang have the most right to speak, and the international community is obvious to all. Since December 2018, more than 2,000 people from more than 100 countries and regions have visited Xinjiang, and witnessed the facts of the development achievements of Xinjiang's peace, economic prosperity, and national harmony, and people's happiness. At the United Nations Human Rights Council recently held, nearly a hundred countries have unanimously support the Chinese government's justice and oppose interference in the interference in China's internal affairs on the pretext of human rights. A small number of Western politicians would rather believe in a lie made by others, nor did they want to listen to the common voice of more than 25 million people in Xinjiang; I would rather cooperate with the poor performances of a few anti -China forces, and did not want to face the basic facts of Xinjiang's development and progress. We advise these Western politicians to listen to the voices of justice in the international community. Do not reverse black and white, make lies, and do not disaster Xinjiang and "make Jianghua".

Reuters reporter: Can the relevant arrangements of South Korean foreign ministers visit China? Will there be a face -to -face meeting with Chinese officials? What are the expectations of China to visit this?

Wang Wenbin: Last week, China has released the news that South Korean foreign minister Park Zhen was invited to visit China. During the visit of Park Zhen's foreign minister, Wang Yi State Councilor and Foreign Minister will hold talks with him. China will release relevant news in time, please keep attention.

Reporter of Kyodo News Agency: Has the military exercise originally planned to end at noon on the 7th have ended?

Wang Wenbin: You can consult the relevant news released by the Chinese military.

Bloomberg Reporter: Secretary of State Brills said that ASEAN supports the US position on issues in Taiwan. Can you make it clear, does ASEAN support China recently actions against Taiwan?

Wang Wenbin: I am happy to introduce you to some related situations.

ASEAN Foreign Minister issued a statement on the cross -strait situation, reiterating to abide by a Chinese principle.

A spokesman for the Laos Foreign Ministry issued a statement to reiterate the consistent policy of supporting a Chinese principle. It is believed that Taiwan is an indiscriminate part of China. To achieve national unity peacefully.

Cambodia Foreign Minister Blasotkun said that what the United States has recently infringed in Chinese sovereignty, violated its commitment, exacerbated the tension of Taiwan Straits, and fully exposed its hegemony of different words and deeds. Cambodia supports China to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests, and supports China to resolutely respond to the US provocations.

During the talks of the East Asian Cooperation Series Foreign Minister's meeting with the Singapore Foreign Minister, during the talks with the State Councilor and Foreign Minister of the East Asian Cooperation Series, the new side has always clearly pursued a Chinese policy to oppose "Taiwan independence" and any unilateral action to change the status quo.

Malaysian Prime Minister Zhang Qingxin stated that Zhang Qingxin, a special envoy of China, stated that he hoped that Western countries would not take a double standard to look at the Taiwan issue and Ukraine. This series of measures in the name of "defending democracy" and interference in the sovereignty of other countries have violated the basic principles of international law and became typical negative.

In fact, not only ASEAN countries, more than 170 countries in the international community have expressed their firm support for China on Taiwan -related issues in different ways. This is an overwhelming advantage compared with the United States and a few countries that support the United States. Essence

"Global Times" reporter: According to reports, on the 6th, UN Secretary -General Guterres attended the peaceful commemorative ceremony held in Hiroshima, Japan. At the ceremony, he called on the country to hold nuclear countries to promise "not using nuclear weapons first" and emphasized the "not allowed" nuclear war. According to UN officials, this is the first time that a secretary -general made this appeal. What is China's comment?

Wang Wenbin: We praised the relevant Fang's promise to "not using nuclear weapons first". From the first day of owning nuclear weapons, China has advocated comprehensive banning and completely destroying nuclear weapons, and always adheres to the policy of not using nuclear weapons at any time and under any circumstances. Nuclear weapons. China is the only country in the five nuclear weapons countries to make the above commitments. We urge other nuclear weapons countries to adopt the same policy to jointly maintain global strategic stability and effectively reduce the risk of nuclear war.

Reuters Reuters: San Vincent and Premier Greenon said in Taipei today that Chinese military exercises will not stop him from visiting friends. What's your opinion?

Wang Wenbin: I have just stated that the Chinese military training is open, transparent, and professional, which is in line with domestic law, international law and international practice. It aims to issue warnings to the accident and punish the "Taiwan independence" forces. Most countries in the international community generally understand and support this.

As for the remarks you mentioned, what I want to emphasize is that there is only one China in the world. Taiwan is an inseparable part of the territory of China. No matter who played the name of the name, it can't change this fact. Adhering to a Chinese principle is international righteousness, people's hearts, and general trend. We believe that sooner or later, the country will recognize the international trend and make a decision that meets the historical trend as soon as possible.

"Beijing Youth Daily" reporter: On the 6th, Hiroshima in Japan held a ceremony to commemorate the city's 77th anniversary of the bombing of atomic bombs. In his speech, Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Kishita said that no matter how rugged the road to the "Nuclear Weapon World", Japan will never go forward, adhere to the "three principles of nuclear no nuclear", and through unremitting efforts to realize our ideal "nuclear weapon world" Essence What is China's comment? Wang Wenbin: We noticed reports. Talking about atomic bomb bombing cannot peel off the specific historical background at the time. The Japanese side only talked about the bombing of the atomic bomb, and I did not see the deep reflection on the history of aggression. I don't know what the international community, including the United States, think about it?

As the only country that has been hit by a nuclear, Japan has long been self -proclaimed with international nuclear disarmament and international nuclear non -diffusion fields, and also advocates establishing a worldless weapon world. But in fact, Japan has always enjoyed the "nuclear umbrella" in the United States, and opposed and obstructed the United States to abandon the first use of nuclear weapons policies. Some domestic politicians in Japan even drum noise with the United States "nuclear sharing", claiming that the United States deployed nuclear weapons in Japan to become a topic of taboo. The Japanese government not only indulgent the above discussion, but also deleted the "Three Principles of Non -nuclear Non -Nuclear Non -Nuclear" in the 10 instance report submitted to the Ten Times of the Treaty of Non -diffusion. People can't help asking, what exactly does the Japanese side mean? Is the Japanese party consistent on the issue of nuclear disadvantages and non -diffusion?

We urged Japan to be a nuclear weapon -free weapon -free weapon party in the Treaty of Non -diffusion of Nuclear Weapons, effectively fulfilling the nuclear and non -proliferation international obligations, strictly abide by the "three principles of nuclear no nuclear non -nuclear" that it promised, and should not develop or introduce nuclear weapons. "Make a contribution.

"Beijing Daily" reporter: Recently, Israeli armed groups with Palestinian armed groups clashed, causing a large number of casualties in Pakistan. On the 7th, the two sides reached a ceasefire under the mediation of Egypt. What is China's comment?

Wang Wenbin: A few days ago, the Baza conflict was resurrected, causing many innocent civilians of Pakistani, including children, which is very distressed. China resolutely oppose and condemn all violence against civilians. At present, the conflict between the conflict reached a ceasefire under the mediation of Egypt. We welcomed it and expressed their appreciation of Egypt's efforts. At present, the situation of Baza ceasefire is still fragile. We urge relevant parties to maintain restraint, especially the party, abide by the relevant United Nations resolutions, avoid intensifying the contradictions again, and maintain the stable situation of Pakistan.

The fundamental reason for the Pakistani conflict is that the "two countries' plans" have not been implemented so far, and the reasonable demands of the Palestinian people's independent founding of the country cannot be realized for a long time. China has called for a larger scale, more authoritative, and more influential international conference to achieve the lasting and fair solution of the Palestinian issue on the basis of the "two countries". China has firmly supported the justice of the Palestinian people to restore national legitimate rights and will continue to make unremitting efforts for this.

Bloomberg Reporter: On Friday, China announced the cancellation or suspension of communication and cooperation with the United States in multiple fields. What areas China and the United States continue to maintain communication channels in the United States?

Wang Wenbin: Dialogue and communication requires sincerity. China will continue to ask the United States for a serious negotiation on Perosi, urging the United States to conscientiously reflect on and immediately correct errors, stop the indulgence and support of the "Taiwan independence" division forces, and stop playing "Taiwan cards" for "Taiwan to make China". At present, it is particularly necessary to stop turning black and white, hitting a rake, upgrading, and expanding the crisis, and adhere to the three joint communiqué regulations of China and the United States with actual actions.

Surging news reporter: According to reports, recently the Azerbaijan and Armenian teams have contacted the fire in the "Nakaka" area many times, causing one party to die, 2 sub -people died, and many people were injured. What are the evaluations of China about this?

Wang Wenbin: We noticed related reports. Azerbaijan and Armenia are friendly partners in China. We hope that the two parties will abide by the consensus of the ceasefire, avoid further upgrading the situation, and resolve contradictions and differences through political dialogue.

Reuters reporter: According to the official media reports of Myanmar, the Burmese Ambassador to China died shortly. Does China understand this situation? Do you understand the reason for the death of the Burmese?

Wang Wenbin: The news you mentioned is true. Ambassador Miao Danpe has actively promoted the development of Sino -Myanmar relations since 2019. We deeply mourned and regretted him suddenly, and expressed deep sympathy and condolences to his relatives. China maintains close communication with Myanmar on the death of Ambassador Miao Danpei, and will make every effort to provide convenience for the follow -up matters.

"China Daily" reporter: According to reports, the White House spokesman said on the 6th that China's activities in the Taiwan Strait and the surrounding areas are major upgrades of changing the status quo. It is a provocative and irresponsible move. What is China's comment?

Wang Wenbin: The unreasonable sophistry of the United States cannot cover up an obvious fact that it is the United States that changes the status quo of the Taiwan Strait and promotes the situation to upgrade the situation. It is the United States that is unreasonable.

As early as 4 months ago, China had repeatedly stated to the United States through various channels and levels to resolutely oppose the serious position of Pelosi to the platform, pointing out that this will seriously violate a China principle and the three joint communiqués of China and the United States. It is a major upgrade of the US provocative behavior, indicating that China will never ignore it, and warns that the United States should not have any fantasies and misjudgments, and all the consequences caused by it are completely borne by the United States. China can be described as hard -working, benevolent. However, the United States turned a blind eye to the Chinese dissuasion and warning, and was lonely. As the member and foreign minister of Wang Yi pointed out, the incident was planned and provoked by the United States in one hand. The United States provoked the past, and the Chinese side was rejected. The countermeasures adopted by China aims to safeguard national sovereignty and security, which is in line with international law and domestic law. The United States has gone away from the wrong road of a China principle commitment to the wrong path, but accusing China of upgrading the situation, which is completely the logic of robbers. It must be pointed out that China has resolutely counterfeiting Perosi, not only a necessary move to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity, but also a legitimate move to maintain the basic criteria of international relations and the international order established after World War II. A Chinese principle has been recognized by the United Nations and most countries, and has become a recognized basic criteria for international relations, which constitute an important part of the international order after World War II. We firmly maintain a Chinese principle, resolutely oppose blurring, and hollowing out a Chinese principle, is the international law of international law that does not interfere with the principles of internal affairs and maintains and respects the integrity of the sovereignty and territory of various countries. For a long time, the United States has interfered with the internal affairs of developing countries under the banner of democracy and human rights, and mobilizing military interference and aggression, which is the biggest threat to regional and international security. We resolutely oppose the United States to provoke the trouble on the Taiwan issue, that is, to say no to the United States' bullying and domineering, that is, to maintain the peace and regional stability of the Taiwan Strait, and to maintain international fairness and justice.

China is widely supported by the international community. More than 170 countries around the world have expressed their strong support for Chinese maintenance and adherence to a Chinese principles. Compared with the United States and a small number of supporters, they have formed an overwhelming advantage. If the United States is arrogant on the issue of Taiwan, the Chinese people will never agree, and the people of the world will not agree.

【Edit: Chen Wentao】

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