Taiyuan Blood Center: Record those beautiful hours that move us

Author:Fairview Taiyuan City Time:2022.08.08

Under the scorching sun, the blood workers adhere to their posts, and even more adherence to the original intention of blood donation and saving people ... Today, to them, I also said to each of the blood donors in the hot summer, thank you!

The 18 -year -old flower season has a longing for a better future life, and also has a sense of mission to bear social responsibility.Today, she is 18 years old. Today, she saves her sleeves and saves her life that she does not know.

Without retirement, retirement does not fade, and the essence of soldiers forever.The veterans of the blood center use the unchanged soldiers, the excellent quality and good spiritual style of the hardships, the service center and the general public, so that the "most beautiful retired soldiers" will become the benchmark for the times to lead the fashion.The center of high -quality development of blood supply to the center contributes!Welcome the 20th CPC victory of the party with excellent results!

Source: Taiyuan Blood Center

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