Sanya Yan's invostic price illegal acts and violations have been filed for investigation and punishment

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.08.08

Xinhua News Agency, Sanya, August 8th (Reporter Liu Deng Wu Maohui) The reporter learned from the Sanya Market Supervision and Administration Bureau on the 8th that during the prevention and control of the epidemic, the bureau and the Sanya Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau severely crack down on various prices of prices, hoarding and accumulating. Illegal acts. As of the 7th, the bureau had transferred 14 clues for violations of laws and regulations. Among them, the Sanya Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau filed 11 cases and plans to impose an administrative penalty of a maximum of 5,000 yuan.

It is understood that since August 1, the Sanya Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has conducted administrative interviews on some offline operators and online platforms to request them to strengthen their own business. Post the "Reminder of the Sanya Market Supervision and Administration Bureau on Further Making Market Price Behavior during the epidemic", and make every effort to strengthen masks, anti -virus drugs and rice, edible oil, pork, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, etc. Price and behavior supervision of important livelihood commodities.

The Sanya Market Supervision and Administration Bureau also calls on the general public to find out that offline operators or online shopping platforms and platform operators are suspected of not implementing the specifications of yards, and price violations such as prices and hoarding stories, please immediately go to towards The 12345 government hotline complaint report, the bureau will contact the relevant functional departments to investigate and deal with it as soon as possible.

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