4 new cases of new crown pneumonia in Liaoning Province and 5 cases of non -symptoms of infection in the soil were added to Liaoning Province

Author:Global Times Time:2022.06.17

At 0-24 on June 16th, 4 new cases of new crown pneumonia were added in Liaoning Province and 5 asymptomatic infections in the soil were all reported by Dandong City.Twenty -case cases of cure for the domestic new coronary pneumonia; 12 cases of medical observation of the symptoms of the native observation of medical observation.

As of 24:00 on June 16, the province's cumulative reports of 1713 cases (including 214 cases of overseas inputs), 1683 cases were cured, 2 died, and 28 cases were treated in the hospital (26 cases of 26 cases and 2 cases were entered overseas).At present, there are 49 asymptomatic infections observed (48 cases of local and 1 case in overseas).

Source: Liaoning Provincial Health and Health Committee

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