Petroleum giants earn too much to cause controversy, and multinational governments are preparing to act!The "huge profit tax" arrow on the string!

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.09

[Global Times Comprehensive Report] In the summer of global consumers to deal with inflation, international oil giants have made a lot of money, and reported their quarterly quarterly returns. In European countries such as the United Kingdom, the arrangement of "huge profits tax" for energy companies that have repeatedly set a profit record have been on the string, but whether this can benefit the people is controversial. Experts believe that the implementation of "huge profits tax" is reasonable, but it should not be regarded as an ideal solution to the energy crisis.

Tuyuan Vision China

British petroleum giant high profits are dissatisfied

According to the British "Daily Mirror", British Petroleum Corporation's profit in the second quarter of this year reached US $ 8.451 billion, a record of the highest quarter since 2008; the first half of the year's profit increased significantly by 170%compared with the same period last year. The largest oil company Shell in Europe also announced in early July that it broke its profit record for two consecutive quarters. In the second quarter of the shell, the net profit achieved net profit of US $ 18.04 billion, an increase of 154%month -on -month, and a year -on -year increase of 426%. After adjustment, the net profit was US $ 9.13 billion and $ 11.472 billion, respectively, and twice refreshed the highest quarterly record since 2008.

Generally speaking, the value of oil and gas assets has risen, the price of oil and natural gas is higher and the increase in sales, and the further cost control of various companies has brought rich profits to each company; although the exit from the Russian region's equity and assets to the Russian region will be given to the Russian region Various companies have brought different degrees of losses, but they have not been able to stop the general trend of performance growth. At the same time, many British families are suffering from rising energy bills. To this end, British Petroleum was accused of "making a lot of money easily." The British Automobile Association (AA) also pointed out that among many gas stations in the UK, British oil companies are the most expensive.

The British "Financial Times" also quoted the call of RAC and AA of the two major British automobile driving associations that British Petroleum Corporation and major supermarkets should control oil prices as soon as possible. Many local think tanks in the United Kingdom warned that high oil prices have also promoted British inflation to 15%in the first quarter of next year.

On the one hand, the profit company's profits increased sharply, and on the other hand, the inflation rates from all over the world soared. People calling on the government to levy higher taxes on oil companies. In July, the British House of Representatives approved the "profit tax" plan, and decided that by December 31, 2025, the profit tax on the profit of oil and gas producers in Beihai region in the United Kingdom was decided. The bill allows oil and gas companies to offset some taxes by investing in new oil and gas mining projects to better protect energy safety.

When the leader and Prime Minister of the British ruling party and Prime Minister Suonak announced in May as the government's financial minister, and announced a plan of 15 billion pounds to help British families facing energy bills to further rise this fall. The Financial Times stated that the urgent situation made the then financial minister who completely changed his position and announced that he had levied the "huge profit tax" of 5 billion pounds of pounds of pounds of pounds to help the above plan.

The United States and Europe are considering "huge profit tax"

On the other side of the ocean, the US energy giants are also gained record profits. ExxonMobil and Chevron have also recently announced a record of quarterly profits. In the last quarter of June 30, Exxon Mobil made a revenue of US $ 17.9 billion, which was $ 2 billion higher than the previous record. Chevron's profit in the second quarter was also a record of $ 11.6 billion. According to the German Press, the total revenue of ExMobil, Chevron, Shell, and French Daedal Energy Company in the previous quarter was almost twice the same period last year. US President Biden was under pressure from his party members and asked to introduce "huge profit tax". Biden himself has also repeatedly criticized US energy companies to be unacceptable.

Also eager to try Germany. Due to the record level of consumer prices, more and more Germans support the ruling party and the Democratic Party and the Green Party to levy the so -called excessive profit special tax during the crisis. According to a recent survey result of the recent investigation by Infraatest Dimap, 76%believe that 76%believe that the special tax on high extra profit of energy companies is correct.

In the context of the dual crisis of energy and inflation, the high profits of oil companies have been severely criticized by politicians, union officials and environmental activists. The German Social Democratic Party leaders once again called for this tax to levy this tax in early August. She said on TV shows that this is a company that earns excess profits with her own performance and innovation, that is, to profit from the energy crisis. The government should reduce the burden of the people and small companies. The Green Party European Parliament Las Musus Andreson said, "The Green Party proposes to levy 50%of the excessive profit tax on excess profits. The other part of these profits should be used to invest in renewable energy."

In fact, some countries are already introducing such taxes. Spain hopes to absorb 7 billion US dollars from energy companies' profits in the next two years and use it directly for social expenditure. Belgium intends to levy a 25%tax on excess profits of energy companies and use these income to reduce the energy costs of private families. In Italy, similar "huge profits tax" for energy companies has been reached. Austria and France are also considering taking similar measures. EU Consumer Protection Specialist Villa Urova said that the implementation of special taxes is beneficial and effective, because this tax is only for the government's additional income from temporary excess profits, and the company's decision -making will not be affected by this.

Can't accept it? Facing the pressure of the government and social levels, all parties are still in the game. International oil companies have always resolutely opposed the collection of "huge profits tax". It is recommended to increase investment in green energy as a way to achieve carbonization of the industry. Fan Belden, CEO of Shell Company, has expressed support for green investment as an alternative to taxation. "Making money is a responsibility. This responsibility allows us to continue to invest in energy safety and energy transformation." He said, "In the end, this will reduce the society's dependence on oil and natural gas."

Earlier, the British Petroleum Corporation announced an investment plan of up to £ 18 billion, hoping to help the UK guarantee energy security and achieve net zero emissions; shells also said that in the next ten years, it will invest 20 billion to 25 billion pounds from the British energy system in the next ten years. More than 75%of them will be used for low -carbon and zero -carbon projects. But such investment scale cannot satisfy local government officials. With the approaching of the huge profit tax, I am afraid that the investment plan of the oil giant must also be re -considered.

German Press quoted the point of view of Energy Expert McNaria that oil companies know that if ultra -high profits continue, they will face increasing pressure, but they expect the government to take balanced measures. "Because of the extremely unstable oil prices and profits, the oil company realized that the oil company was aware of entering a period of challenging and uncertainty; while providing funds for government expenditure, they also faced politics of accelerated and de -carbonization. pressure."

"After earning huge profits, the oil company was not used for green transformation, but continued to invest in fossil fuel." The German "Business Daily" reported on the 6th of the "Business Daily" reported on the explanation of energy companies. It is reported that the petroleum giant invests in stock repurchase. In the first half of this year, Britain had shared the profits brought by the crisis through a $ 3.8 billion repurchase plan. At the same time, despite the considerable additional income, funds have not flowed into the company's green transformation. Although the company has announced its increase in investment, it still provides funds for the expansion of natural gas and oil business in the second quarter.

It is reported that almost all of the funds of Ex Mobil and Chevron are used in the so -called blue hydrogen projects in the United States, which is based on natural gas. Shell Group's investment in the field of renewable energy and energy solutions has increased by only $ 200 million, but investment in the fields of upstream (oil and natural gas mining and processing) increased by more than $ 1 billion in just 3 months. Overall, most of these five companies' funds are in their pockets.

Lin Boqiang, the dean of the China Energy Policy Research Institute of Xiamen University, said in an interview with the Global Times reporter on the 8th that many countries similar to "huge profit taxes" are implemented in many countries. Whether it is reasonable to look at whether it is reasonable. China will levy special benefits for oil, and Russia's "huge profits tax" will appear in the form of energy export tariffs. At present, international energy prices are very high, especially the upstream cost of the industrial chain is too high, and it is difficult to make money in the middle and lower reaches. The role of "huge profit tax" is to get some money from oil and gas companies to do something else, such as subsidizing the people.

Lin Boqiang also said that "huge profits tax" is not suitable for solving the solution to the Western energy crisis. "It should be noted that when the energy market in the past few years is low, these petroleum companies do not have high profits. When good, start receiving 'huge profits tax' or increase tariffs, especially when the current global energy supply and demand is relatively tight, it will crack down on enterprise production enthusiasm. "

German Treasury Minister Christian Lindner proposes opposition to the increasingly rising domestic excessive profit special tax. "Special tax will open the gate for the response of populism in the tax policy," Lindona warns that this will endanger people's trust in the tax system.

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