Hunan continues to high temperature, sunny, heat, drought, and rapid development of 156 stations to prepare artificial rainfall at any time

Author:Hunan Daily Time:2022.08.09

On August 8th, the Hunan Provincial Meteorological Observatory issued a forecast saying that in the next week, Hunan will still focus on high temperature and hot weather, and the rapid development of meteorological drought. At present, artificial rain increase operations in the province are ready. A total of 156 ground work sites in 69 counties (cities and districts) in 14 cities and states in the province have prepared for homework.

From July 8th to 31st, the average rainfall in the province was less than the same year and the average temperature was higher. Beginning on July 22, the dryness of meteorological drought in Central Hunan and North Hunan Province developed rapidly. Meteorological departments at all levels have seized the opportunity. Since July, there have been 116 artificial rainfall operations in 49 counties (cities, districts) in 12 cities and prefectures in the province. Tons effectively relieves high temperature drought.

In response to the continuous high temperature and hot weather, the relevant person in charge of the Hunan Provincial Meteorological Bureau introduced that in the next stage, the meteorological departments at all levels in the province will organize artificial rainfall and ground artificial rainfall operations to solve human and animal drinking water, industrial and agricultural production in the arid areas The demand for ecological water; in important water supply and key industrial and agricultural production of water supply reservoir raindrops, implement the pilot work of increasing artificial rainfall operations; during the forest high fire risk period or high forest fire risk meteorological level, manual manual needs to be carried out according to forest fire prevention needs Rain rain increases to reduce the level of forest fire danger. (Hunan Daily All -Media Reporter Hu Panpan Correspondent Zhang Tingting Tang Lin)

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