Representatives of the People's Congress entered the community to realize the "zero distance" of serving the masses

Author:Guangzhou Daily Time:2022.08.09

"Litchi can't be sold, many of them are broken. Please ask the people's congress representatives to help think about ways." "It has been raining some time ago, and litchi has accumulated a lot, really worry about people." A while ago, in Longgang, Longgang Town, Hot Spring Town, Conghua District, Guangzhou, In the contact station of the people's congress representative, the fruit farmers said "sad things" to the people's congress representatives who were participating in community activities.

After the people's congress representatives exchanged research with the staff of the town government, they proposed the litchi promotional promotion plan at the scene. Eventually, through the "People's Congress representatives to help farmers and benefit the people", they helped fruit farmers to solve their urgency. "Only when entering the community can we hear the true voice of the masses face to face and understand what they want." Said Li Yuzhu, a representative of the Conghua District People's Congress participating in the event.

Li Yushu's feelings are the common voice of the representatives of the people's congresses at all levels in Guangzhou. In the past few days, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the Standing Committee of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress, representatives of the people's congresses at all levels in the city have entered the community, close to the masses, listening to social conditions face -to -face, and have been widely welcomed and praised. Landscape.

"The community is the fertile soil of the people's democracy to practice the entire process of people's democracy. It is a" key one kilometer 'for the role of the people's congress representatives. It provides a broad stage for showing the strong vitality and significant superiority of the people's congress system. " The relevant person in charge of the joint workers' committee said.

A caring person in the community

"I heard that some representatives of the congress came to the community grid to hear opinions. I planned to reflect the problem of blocking the sewer in the community. The problems reflected before are that they helped solve it." Aunt Liu of Yuangang community gave a thumbs up.

The representative of Aunt Liu's entry into the "grid" is the useful exploration of the representatives of the Ziyuangang Community People's Congress to stand on the expansion of the channels of contacting the masses. In recent years, the community has focused on building a "liaison station -grid -voter" full -chain contact mechanism, and normalization has carried out representatives to enter the "grid" activity to achieve preliminary results. "Entering the grid can communicate with the masses more directly, collect the first -hand social conditions and public opinion, so that we can serve the masses more targeted." Liu Hanli, a representative of the Baiyun District People's Congress, said after entering the "grid" to receive the masses.

The representative of the Normal Organization of Ziyuangang Community has entered the "grid". It is the epitome of innovation and carrying out community activities in the Standing Committee of the Baiyun District People's Congress in recent years. In the first half of this year, Baiyun District organized a total of 589 Celebrity Representatives to enter the community, received 1,389 people, collected 731 suggestions, and promoted 541 practical problems.

"Yunlian Department" realizes "zero distance"

Figure: On July 16th, the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Tianhe District, Guangzhou City launched a "cloud interview" on behalf of the weekend.

How to make the masses participate more conveniently and represent the problem that the problem is more unblocked is the main focus of the people's congresses at all levels in Guangzhou to carry out community activities.

Since the beginning of this year, the Standing Committee of the Tianhe District People's Congress has innovatively established an online "Yunlian Department" platform to achieve the "zero distance" of serving the masses and reflecting the "one -click" of the problem.

"The sewage outflow of the street shops in the community is severe, and the roads of human sidewalks can be seen everywhere, and the smell is very large." During this year's representative theme event, Ms. Xie, who lives in Tianhe District, Tianhe District, via the mobile phone "cloud platform" Representative Zhu Hong reflected the above problems.

After briefly understanding the situation, Zhu Hong immediately rushed to Ms. Xie's location, took a photo on the spot and uploaded it through the "Representative Shooting" module in the WeChat public account of the "Tianhe People's Congress". After the submission, the system background transferred the problem to 12345 The platform shall be processed by the government's relevant functional departments.

From receiving problems to completing the transfer, less than an hour throughout the process, one -click through the "Mass -Representative -People's Congress -Government Functional Department". "Next, we will strengthen the follow -up supervision of the masses' reflection of the problem, and to the proceeds on real -time feedback to the representatives to form a closed loop," said the relevant person in charge of the Standing Committee of the Tianhe District People's Congress.

Collect "golden ideas" among the masses

Through face -to -face exchanges with the masses and soliciting constructive opinions and suggestions, it is another major gain for representatives of the National People's Congress to participate in community activities. In this regard, Peng Ya, a representative of the Guangzhou People's Congress, has experienced it.

As an educator, Peng Ya pays special attention to the "home school and social cooperation".

During the theme event this year, under the convening of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Yuexiu District, Peng Ya, with some representatives of some municipalities and district people's congresses, went deep into communities such as Meihua Village Street, Yuexiu District to conduct discussions and exchanges with teachers, parents, and social workers. Suggestions on the "double reduction" policy and "home -school social education". "Such exchanges are very meaningful. I have collected a lot of good ideas. In the next step, we will organize the formation of a closed meeting to submit it to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress to promote the people's concerns and the voice of the masses." Peng Ya said.

Text, Tu/Guangzhou Daily · Xinhua City Reporter: Weilina Correspondent: Huang Jie, Chengrui Guangzhou Daily · Xinhuacheng Editor: Long Chengliu

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