Zhang Chaofan: Dream of Folding Wings Angel

Author:Chinese Women's Network Time:2022.08.09

Zhang Chaofan (second from right) with the children.

■ Zhao Xinwen/Photo

Many people who have got along with Zhang Chaofan feel that she is like a beam of sunshine, "warm and powerful". From May 29, 2020, to March 2021, the tracking shooting in the past year made me strongly feel this warmth and power. Stimulate.

Zhang Chaofan, 28, did not have a left arm at birth. However, with her extraordinary courage, she grew up from the inferiority inner -inferiority to the national art special biochemical sedge, the national "post -90s", "double innovation" model and national moral model. She was a member of the "Dream Dream Chinese" preaching group jointly organized by the Central Propaganda Department, the National Federation of Trade Unions, the National Women's Federation, and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League. Tell the world to tell the world a typical story of China's precision poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation.

At that time, as a special student of art, Zhang Chaofan was admitted to Beijing University of Technology and Commerce with the first place in the country's total score. The experience of going to poor mountainous areas in the summer vacation made her the idea of ​​educating entrepreneurship.

When she graduated from college, Zhang Chaofan, who was the first in the first four consecutive years of professional comprehensive ranking, could have been underwritten, but she chose to return to their hometowns to start a business and founded the Changchun Yifan Art Education and Training School.

After 5 years of hard work, the training school founded by Zhang Chaofan has been developed into a collection of paintings and calligraphy, art training, quality education training, research institutes, innovation centers, and training camps.

In the youth of Zhang Chaofan's struggle, public welfare has always occupied a very important position.

When I first started a business, I saw some parents who came to the children's tuition for their moody. Zhang Chaofan decided to participate in a TV competition program to get the Grand Slam bonus to open the extraordinary public welfare dream classroom, set up extraordinary public welfare dreams to help school aid Essence

Every year, the extraordinary public welfare dream classroom sets up 300,000 yuan of public welfare dreams to help poor families with artistic talents conduct painting and art tests.

The 10 -year -old Li Shuo is a little star of the super -public welfare dream classroom. It has been 5 years since learning Chinese painting. Zhang Chaofan once took Li Shuo to participate in the preaching activities of the "Dream Dream Chinese" people, boarding the stage of recording programs, telling the story of the dream.

In the past 8 years, Zhang Chaofan entered the troops, universities and poor mountainous areas to conduct more than 700 public welfare inspirational speeches. As of now, she has donated a total of 1.28 million yuan, helping more than 320 families with special difficulties, physical disability, and autistic children to learn traditional Chinese culture for free.

During the new crown pneumonia's epidemic, Zhang Chaofan actively responded to the government's call, carried out a series of public welfare activities of "fighting the epidemic, Yilu has you", and launched the "10,000 students' love donations to help Hubei". Essence Zhang Chaofan's public welfare endorsement "Building the Great Wall of Epidemic Prevention" and other activities received 500 million attention. In August 2020, the United Nations "Global Youth Anti -Epidemic Example" was on the list.

The original heart and dream gave Zhang Chaofan's invisible wings. Her transcendence and dedication was the epitome of tens of millions of young public welfare people in the new era, showing the responsibility and feelings of the young generation of the young generation.

(The author is a member of the Chinese Photographers Association, a director of the Chinese Female Photographers Association, Chairman of the Jilin Provincial Female Photographer Association)

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