Who is a boutique?You have to say it!The exhibition of the 7th Ping An Henan "Three Micro" works began

Author:Medical Health News Time:2022.08.09

To fully display

Ping An Henan, rule of law Henan

Construction effect

Welcome the 20th CPC National Victory of the Party

The Political and Legal Committee of the Henan Provincial Party Committee carried out

The 7th Ping An Henan "Three Micro" works

Call for exhibition and broadcast activities

Since the start of the activity, members of the safety construction members of various places have participated actively and focusing on the theme of the activity of "casting the soul and fighting hard". Forms show the vivid practice and touching stories of building peace and promoting the construction of Ping An Henan.

From August 5th to August 25th, the Provincial Party Committee's Political and Legal Committee was on the Changan.com of Henan, and a column of new media platforms such as WeChat public account, Weibo, video number, and headline number of the "Central Plains Shield" opened a column to exhibit outstanding works.

At the same time, the "Central Plains Shield" WeChat public account has opened the "Seventh Ping An Henan's" Three WeChat "works exhibition and broadcasting activities". The majority of netizens can like the favorite work by entering the "Central Plains Shield" WeChat public account.

Way of like

1. Scan the code to follow WeChat public account "Central Plains Shield"

Enter the session box, click the "Three Micro Show" columns at the bottom to get the "Seventh Ping An Henan 'Three Micro -Sub -Microchemical Exhibition" Praise Pages, watch the exhibition and broadcast works, and like the favorite works.

2. Recognize the QR code below and enter the broadcast page to participate in the event.

According to the comments of relevant experts and the effect of the exhibition exhibition, the Provincial Party Committee Political and Legal Committee will select high -quality works with special love and good exhibition effects, and recommend participating praise.

Who is a boutique? You have to say it!

Come and like your favorite works!

News link:

In the 6th Ping An China "Three Micro" competitions, members of Ping An Construction Members in all parts of our province actively participated to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Communist Party of China, tell the story of Ping An Henan, spread the sound of Ping An Henan, and show the image of Ping An Henan. A batch includes outstanding works including micro -film, micro -video, micro -animation, photography, script, movie, TV series and other genres. After rigorous evaluation and excellent selection, 18 works in our province stood out from tens of thousands of works across the country and won multiple awards. (Details)

The article is reproduced in the Central Plains Shield

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