Mall of Mall Daquan Store Town: Party building leaders and "code" are fully opened to promote the full coverage of the field code

Author:Rural Agricultural Farmers Mag Time:2022.08.09

Our reporter Ding Hao correspondent Zhang Yikun

In order to further do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic, actively respond to the arrangement of the city and county epidemic prevention and control headquarters. The masses travel normally and further promote the construction of grid governance system. Based on the "Party Construction Leader+Grid Promotion", the Township Township Township Township has taken multiple measures to promote the "place code" to enter the village, the corridor, the shop, and the enterprise. At the same time, all 837 places code in our town are all bonus -level by science and technology leadership, and a special person is responsible for the code inspection, so that party members and cadres will take the lead in scanning the code. "Must be strict."

Organization leaders are strong, and the division of labor is clear

Under the unified leadership of the town party committee and government, the establishment of the "place code" promotion work class is established to take the increasingly mature grid governance system in this town as the starting point. Provide solid organizational guarantee. At the same time, the Township of Daquan Store held the promotion and application promotion meeting of the promotion and application of the "place code", conveyed the relevant spirit of the city and county on the promotion and application of the "place code", assigned the task list, clarified the work goals, and strengthened the implementation of responsibilities. The work class is based on the previously comprehensively reconstruction place code accounts. It is divided into ten people to contact the person in charge of all the venues in the town in the town, and the check -and -screening of the venue code that stops and closes the business. Delete, the "place code" that will be effectively used is re -printed, and the "place code" of the unified printing and distribution is indicated: the person in charge, position, contact information, full -time inspection site code and their contact number , Then allocate to ten section -level leadership packaging, so that the division of labor is clear, and the "code" is divided into people.

Increase publicity and create an atmosphere

Through multi -channel propaganda, multi -level launch, multi -form application, such as in WeChat groups, circle of friends, broadcasting, mobile speakers, etc., push publicity information; The group knocking on the door promotion to ensure that all places should be "set up", covered with full coverage, no dead ends, and guided the masses to "scan the code" wherever they go. "Grandpa, hello! Please open WeChat first and scan the code of the place over there!" "Hello, your place code is not accurate, please correct it immediately." "Hello, your place code has been damaged. Once, please change it. "" Hello, please scan the code first and then enter ... " At the entrance of key places such as streets, enterprises, shops, etc., you can see several party members in red vests who are patiently instructed to use the "place code" to use the "place code" in the store, and explain the use of "place code" in detail, apply for process, use, use The scope, the significance of epidemic prevention, the necessity and convenience of the "place code", etc., set off a wave of "full -bodied" in the town.

Strictly supervise and compact responsibilities

With the town's epidemic prevention and control headquarters as the center, 22 villages are the first time, the "place code" printed to the unified printed at the first time is to the grass -roots party organizations included by the leaders at various subjects, and each village cadres and villages are required Party members learn first, take the lead in applying, take the lead in promoting, and take the lead in application. It also extensively mobilized village cadres, party members' group linkage, and all members to attack, promoted the promotion of the "place code", sent each "place code" to each person in charge, and posted it in a suitable position. At the same time, the vast number of party members and cadres and grid members of the townships quickly formed a special supervision team of "place code", and they were put into group operations to invest in the "place code" special supervision operation with the spiritual state of "a 'code' first". Party members and cadres have increased their "code" power under the scorching sun, and the "code" is fully opened to conduct comprehensive supervision and inspection of the use of "place code" in key places such as villages and shops. In strict accordance with the requirements of the town epidemic prevention and control work, carefully check whether the "place code" of various key places in the town district is complete and whether the location is accurate; use a clear inspection and unannounced visits or irregular inspections to supervise the implementation of the "place code" in key areas Spring inspections strictly require the operating unit to perform the responsibility of the main body of the epidemic prevention and control, and ensure that the units that have posted the "place code" must be swept into the venue. Check in detail whether each key place is arranged to implement special personnel such as "four views and one test", "every entry", and other epidemic prevention measures, actively assist the town merchants to modify the location information, replace the "place code", and order individual "place code" work to implement the work. In place, the enterprises and stores are suspended and rectified, and the town's "place code" has been fulfilled, replaced, and scanned.

The party flag refers to the power. Faced with the epidemic challenge, Daquan Store Town will use the party building leader, the "code" is fully opened, all cadres stand up and make an example, resolutely complete work tasks, cast a strong red fortress of the front line of epidemic prevention, and form a strong joint force for scientific and precise prevention and control epidemic conditions. , Further ensure the health and safety of the masses.

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