Residents of many nucleic acid testing points in Datong District, Datong District, Daqing City can detect nearby!

Author:Dadong Datong Time:2022.08.09

In order to facilitate the sampling of shortcutic acid detection in the nearby shortcut, our district has revoked the original nucleic acid detection point, and the six stool citizens should be checked in accordance with the actual situation. They are willing to check the sampling points of nucleic acid detection points to meet the demand for nucleic acid testing of the majority of residents.

At 9 am, the reporter saw at Tongfu Plaza's nucleic acid detection point that citizens who came to test and sampling were kept one meter line, queuing in an orderly queue, and in order to sample nucleic acids in order. The entire process was efficient and safe.

At the sampling site of the nuclear nucleic acid test, the reporter saw that citizens consciously wore masks. Under the guidance of staff or volunteers, they kept one -meter -time distance, registered code, information registration, and sampling of nucleic acids in turn.

In addition, the sampling point also sets up the independent sampling room and the staff lounge of the air -conditioned house, providing a good working environment and rest environment for the staff to efficiently carry out nucleic acid sampling.

It is understood that the nucleic acid detection point in Decheng District will be officially discontinued on August 10. The newly -added nuclear nucleic acid detection and sampling point is located in places with large flows such as Daqing Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Integrated Hospital, Xintiandi Shopping Plaza, and Tongle First Phase, which greatly facilitates the detection and samples of the nucleic acid testing of residents and migrants in the surrounding areas. Residents can perform single or mixed mining according to their needs and query the results at the Alipay Citizen Center.

Here, medical staff also reminded residents and friends that the current epidemic prevention and control situation is relatively tight. Residents must not be relaxed, and they need to do personal protection.

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